Month by Month - Part 1

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Words: 2628

Based off That Would Be Enough from Hamilton


You ran a hand through your hair, pacing on the bathroom tiles, fear and absolute bliss coursing through your veins. There in front of you on your counter sat three pregnancy tests. Three positive pregnancy tests.

You knew after that night one month ago, there was going to be a end result. You and Bucky had both planned and talked about it, making sure it was the right time and you were ready. But, the future didn't seem all too happy about "timing". Bucky is set to be sent out in 3 days on a 2 week long mission, sent to one of the most dangerous Hydra bases yet. You wanted to take the tests and tell your husband the news while he was home, but he seemed too stressed out at the moment to have this possible worry on his mind. But Bucky may have caught on to the question of the moment, symptoms too obvious to ignore. Morning sickness, mood swings, headaches, and of course, the missed period.

Now you moved from the bathroom to your room, sitting on your bed. You fiddled with your wedding and engagement rings, mulling over the question if you should or should not tell him. You needed to, there was no argument against that, but when? If you didn't tell him, Bucky would be less stressed when he returned home so you could tell him then and he won't have multiple things to worry about. But if you didn't tell him, Bucky might never return home and not even know he was going to be a father. If you did tell Bucky now, he would be super nervous, having that in the back of his mind while he should be focusing on saving the world.

As your mind kept racing with possibilities and results, your bedroom door opened up. In walked Bucky Barnes, a smile forming on his face as he saw you sitting there. You tried to put on your best fake smile, but he could see right through it. Bucky took a seat on your left and grabbed your hand, interlacing your fingers together.

"Y/N? You look pale. What's wrong, doll? Is everything alright?" he questioned, facing you and reaching up to brush a piece of hair that fell on your face.

"Y-Yeah, I'm fine," you mumbled, trying to hide your nervousness. Bucky didn't seem to buy it, raising an eyebrow. You sighed and just squeezed his flesh hand, trying to calm down your nerves. "You know how we've talked about starting a family, right?" Bucky nodded and his eyes slightly widened, starting to catch on to what you were implying. "I've had some of the symptoms and I have some news. I'm, well, I'm-"

"Pregnant," Bucky finished, his blue eyes opened wide. You just nodded, a few tears sliding down your cheeks, both being for happiness and fear, but now a real smile was in place of the fake one. Bucky's face broke into a grin, quickly standing up. He pulled you up and into his arms, spinning you around. You let out a laugh and were placed back down on the floor, gazing up at your husband. He still had not let go of you, his grin still there. "Doll, this is amazing! Oh my God we're gonna have a little you running around this house!"

"And you. A part of both of us," you let out a chuckle, eyes shining with happy tears. You reached up and pressed your lips against his, your smiles still there. When you pulled away you took his flesh hand and placed it on your non-existent baby bump, resting your foreheads together. You two stayed like that for a few moments, pure joy radiating out of your very bodies.

Bucky drew back and kissed you again, pulling away and holding both of your hands. "How long have you known?"

"I took the tests about a hour ago. 3 positives, no negatives. We're having a baby, Jay," you said, not quite quietly enough to be a whisper. If possible, Bucky grinned even wider and let go of one your hands, spinning you around.

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