Unexpected - Part 2

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Lots of flashbacks (the large chunks of italics lmao)

As much as I love writing these, I'll probably be going more towards dating one-shots- I just need ideas lmao

I feel like this one doesn't flow as well.

Words: 2138 -omg


My life is a wattpad story rn - wahey - Caps_Mighty_Shield


Bucky drew back for air and had the most adorable smile on his face. You hoped your child would inherit that from him- as well as his eyes and heart-of-gold and everything about him. He looked you straight in the eye and took his normal hand from your belly to behind your neck, and guided your forehead towards his lips. He placed a kiss there and lingered for a moment. Bucky pulled back from the forehead kiss and squeezed your hand tighter. He took his normal hand away from the back of your neck and cupped your hand with-now-both hands. He looked you dead in the eyes and swallowed. "You're right. I'm absolutely terrified. I freaked out. Maybe a little too much." He looked down and laughed. "And I'll never be able to forgive myself and make it up to you. And- And the reason why I ran off was because of this." Bucky lifted up his metal arm and looked at it with a disgusted look. Your eyebrow furrowed together. "I'm scared to hurt them, I'm scared I'll scare them."

You shook your head and placed your free hand to cup his face. Bucky brought his eyes up to meet yours again. "Jay, as pissed off and terrified as I was, I forgive you. It's okay, I promise. Now, you have no reason to be scared. I'm scared too. But I know we're going to be fine. And about this?" You took his metal hand in yours and brought it up to your lips, placing a kiss on each knuckle. "Look at how gentle you're being with me. You've never hurt me with either your strength or your metal arm, and I have full trust that you never will. That's why I trust and want you to be the father of my child. And it's why you are. Because I love you, and I'll never stop."

A blush and that adorable smile he always gave spread across Bucky's face. He stood up from the bed and brought you up with him. Once you were on your own two feet Bucky wrapped you up in his arms and planted a kiss atop your head and rested his chin there. "I'm ready. For whatever happens next with this, I'm ready to go through it with you."

Bucky thought back to that night as he sat on the bed with his back against the headboard. His just-a-few-days-old baby girl was sleeping in his arms, held close to his chest. He gently placed random kisses along her forehead as the love for his two favorite girls quadrupled by the second.

There wasn't anything he wouldn't do for you both and he regretted running away like a child on that cold night. He got scared, he acted like an asshole, he hurt you, and almost threw all of this away. He almost threw away the chance of getting the one thing he wanted. A family. Better yet, a family with you.

During your pregnancy he did anything and everything he could for you, trying to make up for all of the words he said and actions he made. Bucky would cook for you, help clean house for you, and care for your every need.

But the help wasn't one-sided. You helped him get comfortable with his metal arm and prepare himself for the fact that you're going to have a whole new human being in your home. Well, you both helped the other with that.

Yet, that moment that Bucky felt his child react to him for the first time sent so much emotion through him, that he was ready for the next step in his journey with you.

You sat sprawled out on the couch, trying to get comfortable with your sixth month baby can't-really-call-it-a-bump-anymore bump that had begun to annoy you. Bucky was sitting on the love seat to the right by himself to give you the space you wanted; but your hands were intertwined with each other, creating a bridge between the two of you. You were scrolling on your phone while Bucky was reading. You both were in your own little worlds, but tied down to each other.

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