The Night We Met

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Your arms wrapped around Bucky's neck while his snaked around your waist as the two of you slowly danced around the living room to The Night We Met. It was late, the moon shone through the window and onto the floor, almost creating a spotlight. The rain hit the windows, creating little patters of noise.

It were these tiny moments of peace that the two of you enjoyed most. The ones where your worries melted away as you were in the arms of your lover.

Bucky started humming the song, resting his chin on your head and you placed your head against his chest, listening to the sound of his heartbeat. After a few quiet moments, you heard Bucky's voice rumble through his chest.

"Do you remember the time we met one another?"

You pulled your head from his chest and looked up, your e/c eyes meeting his striking blue ones. "Yes I do. Do you?"

Bucky nodded and looked at you with a soft look in his eyes. "Yes, I do. But sometimes I like to be reminded by you. That way I know that this is real and it actually happened. No mind game from Hydra."

At this sadness washed over you, and you reached up to kiss the man holding you close. "Oh Buck, those days are over. You're no longer a puppet, I promise. But I love remembering the story."

Flashback 3 years ago

You worked, and still continue to this day, at S.H.I.E.L.D, one of the best, if not the best, therapists there hired to help everyone handle their trauma without going on a murder spree. You were on your day off, sitting on your couch watching a movie when a knock sounded on your apartment door. You got up with a sigh and opened it, finding Steve on the other side. You welcomed him in and brought him to your tiny kitchen table, getting small talk out of the way when Steve shifted the topic into a more serious matter.

"Y/N, listen, I need your help. An old friend of mine from the 40's is back and I need your help. He's been to hell and back multiple times and I really don't trust anyone but you to talk to him." At his words you felt such pride with being the person he trusted to talk to such a close person to him. Steve pulled a file folder out of his bag. "You may have heard of him." He handed you the folder, and on the front in black, bold letters read:


In bold red letters below it, it read:


The Winter Soldier," you whispered, looking at the folder and then back up on Steve. "Yes, I've heard of him." Steve nodded and explained everything. As you listened to him, read the file and looked at the pictures, you couldn't help but almost tear up.

"How could anyone do this to a person? And you said that the government and even some of the Avengers are trying to lock him up, even kill him? But he's innocent. Brainwashed, captured, tortured, memories stripped away, frozen, forced to murder people so some organisation could rise up. He was forced against his will and had no control over this, yet they are saying he's guilty?" you said, slamming the file shut, unable to look at what looked like a happy man be forced into such pain.

Steve nodded and put up the job offer, to talk with the Winter Soldier, or who Steve said his name was Bucky. You instantly agreed and a few days later you met Bucky himself.

3 days later

You walked down the hall, and met Steve in a room at the end of it. Steve smiled when he saw you, which you returned. Inside the room was an old desk placed in the middle of the room, a chair and Steve, who stood on the opposite side of the desk. You noticed a figure in the suspect's chair, who upon closer inspections showed to be Bucky Barnes. His long brown hair was all dirty and matted, curtaining some of his face. His head hung down, and his wrists were bound to the chair with metal cuffs. His right arm was flesh, and his left was a silver metal, which look very well taken care of and precise.

The chair he sat in looked like it was strong enough to hold even the Hulk back. Clearly, many precautions were put into place.

Steve introduced the two of you, and took a step back. You place the file down and remained standing, giving a slight smile to the man in the chair. "Hello Mr Barnes, if you would like to be called that."

"My name is Bucky," came a gruff voice. Bucky didn't look up, just remained staring at the floor. You nodded and continued on.

"Hello, Bucky. As Steve said, I'm Y/N and I hope to help you in every way I can. First, let's start with removing the cuffs. Totally unnecessary and I think you've had enough of them for a lifetime. Now where are those keys?" You opened the drawers and searched for the keys. "Ah-Ha! Here they are." Bucky looked up at Steve, who just nodded that it was okay. Bucky's watchful blue eyes followed you as you walked towards him. You unlocked his metal arm first, and then his flesh arm. Bucky slightly raised his arms, flexing his hands. You smiled up at Steve, who smiled and nodded. Then the unexpected happened. You heard crying. Bucky had started crying, laying his head in his hands. No one has ever unlocked him or not had a grip on him, placing full trust on him and actually smiling at him. Sobs filled the room and you kneeled down next to him, placing a hand on his back.

Steve came down next to him and did the same, the two of you trying to comfort an eternally wounded warrior.

Present day

"And each day you got a little bit more comfortable with me, and after less than a month Steve stopped coming along. I got a better room and you seemed so much more relaxed and open. After a little over a year of the therapy and my help, you asked me out. And here we are. I've never seen you happier, Bucky," you finished, placing a kiss on Bucky's lips.

Bucky smiled and tucked a piece of your hair behind your ear and placed his hand back at your waist. "And I thank you every day for helping me, or we would not be here." You smiled and closed your eyes, listening to the music and the rain. After a moment you felt Bucky's presence leave.

"Hey," you said opening your eyes, "What are you-" You stopped talking as you looked down, finding Bucky on one knee, presenting to you a beautiful ring. You couldn't even cry, you were in so much shock.

Bucky smiled and started speaking. "Y/N, I love you so much and I'm so grateful I found you. I would not be here in this moment right now if you did not come into my life. And I thank you every day for that. I want to spend forever with you, and I hope you want the same. Will you marry me, Y/N?"

You caught your senses at the last sentence and smiled, a tear escaping your eye. "Yes, yes!" Bucky smiled and stood up, placing the ring on your finger. You wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed his lips. You have never thrown more love into a single kiss, and the two of you stood there for a moment, wrapped in each other's arms.

After a moment, Bucky broke away and kissed your forehead. "I love you, Y/N Barnes." You smiled and looked up into your fiance's blue eyes.

"And I love you, James Barnes." You looked at the ring and back at Bucky. "Did you plan this or was it more a 'in the moment' thing?"

Bucky smiled and placed his arms to where they once were, dancing you to the still-playing song. "I've carried that rig around with me for the longest time, and I was planning on something special, but this moment felt right. Just us," he shrugged. You smiled and laid your head against his chest, listening to his heartbeat.

"It was just perfect, Bucky."

Take me back, to the night we met.

Hey I'm back! I may update more but I loved this one!

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