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V/l = venue location
idk you try writing at 1am

Bucky held you close as the bullets kept firing, as the explosions kept going and as people kept yelling. Your fiancé had his hand at your torso, trying to stop the flow of blood. He felt hot tears form in his eyes, but he refused to let them block his vision of you. Bucky dragged you two behind a blown-out concrete wall for cover, and held you as close and carefully as possible.

The Avengers were infiltrating their biggest and hardest Hydra base yet, and both sides put up a nasty fight. 3 bullets made their way into your abdomen, Bucky quick to your side to catch you in his arms.

Bucky used the pad of his flesh thumb to wipe the grime from your face. He looked at you as the tears fell down his face. "Come  on, doll. Don't leave me. Please, back up should be here any moment. Stay with me," he begged, slightly rocking the two of you.

You let out a groan and looked up at your lover, bringing a weak and shaky hand to cup the side of his face. "You know I have too, love. I won't walk away from this."

"But you will," Bucky argued. "You and I will walk away from this, just like we always do."

You gave a weak smile and coughed, blood splattering over your suit. "Talk to me about something. Something happy," you spoke, your voice barley coming out as a whisper.

Bucky nodded and thought for a moment, and an idea clicked in his mind. "Well, when we walk away from all of this, you'll recover just like you always do and we'll plan our wedding. We'll have it at v/l, just like you always wanted. We can quit being Avengers and teach a self defense class or something, so we don't have to deal with this anymore. We'll move out of the campus, I've been looking, actually, and we'll start our own little, or big, family. And we'll live happily ever after, you and me."

You smiled up at the man rocking you and used all the strength you had left to wipe the blood off you lips and reach up to kiss is soft ones for the last time. Bucky quickly held you up closer, and poured all of his love into that one kiss, and you smiled into it. You pulled away and looked at the dark sky above you, the sounds of the action fading away. "That sounds amazing."

"It'll only happen if you're there with me, doll. Please, hang on. Steve and Tony should be here any moment. Don't go," Bucky pleaded again, pressing a kiss to your forehead.

"I'm hanging on as tight as I can, Jay. Just for you," you smiled, and your eyes started drifting close. "I'm just going to sleep for a bit."

Bucky's eyes widened and he quickly repositioned you, holding you even closer. "No, no, no, Y/N. Open your eyes, please. Let me see your beautiful y/e/c eyes." Your eyes slowly opened back up, and you smiled up at your soon-to-be-husband.

"Let me go, Buck. It's time for me to go."

"No," Bucky cried, supporting your limp body in his arms and burying his head in your matted hair. "No, I can't. I want that future. I want it with you," he sobbed, looking back at you.

You just smiled and brought your hand up to cup Bucky's face again. He leaned into your touch and his bottom lip quivered. "Don't close yourself off. Please. Let the team help you, go out and explore the world for me."

"I want you by my side. I want to spend forever with you. I need you with me, Y/N," he pleaded, and he shouted into his earpiece again, demanding for Steve and Tony to get there now. You could faintly hear how they were being held back, and they were trying to get there as soon as they could.

Bucky just sighed, and as he exhaled, it turned into a sob. "I'll be with you, always and forever," you spoke, and with your other hand you tapped Bucky's chest, right over his heart. "Right in there...I love you, James Buchanan Barnes. So much."

Bucky nodded and squeezed the tears out of his eyes, looking at the sky and back down at you. "I love you too, Y/N Y/M/N Barnes."

You chuckled, which in turn caused more blood to spit out, and closed your eyes. "It's got a nice ring, doesn't it?"

"Yes," Bucky gave a teary smile, but it soon fell. "Yes it does, doll."

Bucky held you close, whispering little happy memories of the two of you in your ear, not wanting your departure from this world to be sad, even if he would be left heartbroken.

Your breathing silenced. Your heartbeat stopped. Your hand fell from Bucky's cheek. Bucky's bowed head shot up, and he started to shake you. "Y/N?" He searched for a pulse, only to be left with nothing. "No, no, no, no! No! NO! Y/N! COME BACK! I CAN'T DO THIS WITHOUT YOU," he screamed, holding your lifeless form closer than ever before. "Please...come back to me..."

Hydra had taken everything from him...again. And there was no getting it back this time.

Bucky held you tightly, as if it would bring you back. He started rocking back and forth, his own body visibly shaking and tear pouring out of his blue eyes. He whispered little things he told you, about the future he had planned out and memories of the two of you, as if they were still going to happen.

"We're here! How is she-" Tony's voice immediately silenced as he and Steve ran up to the shaking man. They were too late, only a few minutes late. Bucky sensed their presence and looked up, his face red and puffy and his eyes spilling tear after tear.

Steve looked at his best friend and bowed his head, silent tears slipping down his face. Tony followed suit, his own tears falling from his now exposed face.

Bucky looked back at you and placed a kiss to your forehead. "Goodbye, doll. I love you."

You were gone. The one thing he protected with all of his strength, was still ripped out of his grasp by the people that took everything else from him. You were gone, and there was absolutely nothing he could do about it.

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