Lazy Morning

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I feel like I've already written one like this >:(

Quite PSA: if you have any of my past stories that you want rewritten lmk

Words: 585


Warm sun rays peeped through the curtains and onto your face, stirring you from your deep slumber. You let out a yawn and tried to stretch, being restricted slightly by the strong and protective arms wrapped gently around your waist.

Turning around, you saw the soft face of Bucky's peaceful sleep. His lips were soft and slightly pouted and his short hair that had grown back out a bit was messy. Adorable.

You smiled and placed the softest kiss in the history of the world on the face you loved, as not to wake him. The corners of Bucky's mouth turned up into a small smile. Yet he remained still and sleeping with a small blush.

After looking at him lovingly for a moment more you slipped out of his embrace and the covers quickly. Your bare feet hit the plush carpet that was beginning to warm from the rays that awoke you.

You began walking softly down the hall, the hardwood slightly chilly compared to the rug.

When you reached the small but cozy kitchen of your apartment, you opened the pantry and grabbed the ingredients necessary to make the pancakes your mother had taught you to make. You walked throughout the kitchen quietly to not wake Bucky from the rare full nights sleep he gets. Bowl, spatula, whisk, measuring cups, milk, baking powder, flour, eggs, butter: check check check.

The apartment began to fill with the sounds of glass clinking against metal and plastic utensils. Quiet and soft music played from your phone on the counter, a dust of flour over the screen.

As you placed the last few servings of pancake batter on the pan, the same arms you fell asleep and woke up in made their way back around your waist. Bucky placed a loving kiss on your neck and nuzzled his face in the same spot.

You smiled and placed the kitchenware in your hands on the counter by your phone and turned around. Bucky's baby blues met your
y/e/c ones causing a smile to creep over his features.

"Good morning, doll," Bucky murmured.

"Good morning, Jay," you replied. The man holding you smiled and kissed your forehead before you turned around to resume your cooking. The entire time his arms stayed around you until you were finished.

You ate at the island of the kitchen in comfortable silence, hands lazily laced together. The fluffy and sweet pancakes were topped with the all the necessary toppings, adding to the deliciousness.

When you were done eating, the two of you placed the stoneware and forks into the sink and stumbled over to the plush couch of the living room.

Bucky flopped onto the cushion and opened his inviting arms for you. Grabbing a warm blanket from the basket, you fell into them.

Not a moment later, you fell into another cozy sleep. Full stomachs, soft sunlight, and the hold of your lover lulled you to sleep without a problem.

Bucky placed a soft and lingering kiss on the top of your head, running his normal hand up and down your back. With a smile, he snuggled deeper into the cushions to let himself succumb to slumber as well.

These lazy mornings were always short lived and rare, considering how hectic and stressful your lives were. But you wouldn't have it any other way.

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