He Was Loved

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Also, thank you to Caps_Mighty_Shield  for posting Tell Her to guide me through this one.

I feel like the beginning and end are HORRIBLE but that's normally how it goes. This was written on an iPhone 7 in a minivan on a road trip. Enjoy.

Sorry gotta lighten up the crowd before this one 😇

This one took FOREVER to get from point A to B to C and get a good ending. Idk how I feel about it.

I think I'm like Poppy rn, going through this weird family phase idk.

Anyhoo, thanks Poppy for the help, and thank you for this request.

Words: 1600


I ask for this one to be taken so seriously, that the jokes that I love that you guys say are put in the corner for a moment. What is mentioned in the story is an absolute HORROR that goes on in this world, and I ask that we all pray and try our best to stop this and support one another.




After being with Bucky for years, you knew there was a topic that would cause him to go uneasy, and immediately want to change the subject. It didn't happen often, but if you brought up the topic of starting a family with your husband, he would get uncomfortable. He seemed so, so happy at the thought of it, but his face would change in an instant to the exact opposite.

Some instances hurt like a scratch to the back of the hand- there but disappears after a bit. But others were like a stab to the heart. This was one of them.

Wtf is that ^^^

You sat on the couch, snuggled into Bucky's side as you flicked through channels on TV, the news being only interesting thing so late at night. The last report of the night was beginning to play, and the headline caught you both off guard.

"Teen shut down by doctors after asking for abortion from rapist attack"

As the journalist went on with her story, Bucky began to get fidgety. You took his right hand that was draped over your shoulders and rubbed in a circular motion over the back. Not even two minutes into the report, Bucky stood up from his spot beside you and left.

You watched as he walked towards your bedroom and shut the door. After turning off the TV you padded down the hall after him. Before you opened the door you heard heavy breathing and soft crying. You opened the door and stepped in, finding Bucky sitting on his side of the bed hunched over and trying to quiet his cries.

You walked across the room and sat down beside him, placing a hand on his back and rubbing it up and down. His trembles shook through your hands, and you watched as tears fell heavily to the floor.

"I'm terrified to start a family, doll. After what I've done," he croaked. Your heart broke as he said those words. You carefully placed your hand on his cheek and turned his head towards you. "And these reports about people going to court for abortions and getting raped isn't helping my problem," he finished.

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