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Are you kidding me? This was another one where the end wasn't completed. I'm suing.

Completed part starts at italics.


"Wait you want us to do what now?" Bucky asked, leaning against the counter of Avengers HQ, confused as to why Pepper and Tony asked them. You looked at Bucky and back at the Starks, knowing the tension Tony and Bucky had. Pepper looked at her now 6 year old daughter and lightly patted her head.

"Tony has a mission that he leaves for tomorrow and I need to go to Alabama for business. We were hoping you two could stay at our house and babysit Morgan for a few days," Pepper stated, watching said Morgan run around the counter and into the kitchen, grabbing one of Peter's fruit snacks. Bucky looked at you, a confused look gracing his features.

"But, why us? I don't mean to be rude at all, but you know me. Y/N would be great with Morgan based off of what I've seen, but me? What about Steve, or Clint, or Sam or Peter?" Bucky stood up straight and wrapped his right arm around you, still questioning the Stark's decision. Morgan finished her snack and ran up to you, a toothy grin, minus one or two, displayed on her face. You scooped her up in your arms and rested her on your hip.

Pepper smiled and motioned to the two of you. "Almost everyone is going on this mission or they are in space, somehow. But, Morgan loves you. When we asked who she wanted to stay with her, she didn't even hesitate. She asked for you guys to watch her." You nodded and started slightly spinning side to side, giggles pouring out from Morgan. You looked up at Bucky and smiled up at him, nodding towards him in encouragement. He sighed and smiled back at you, turning away from you and looking at Tony and then Pepper.

"Okay. We'll start packing."


The drive down the gravel road was peaceful, Morgan asleep in her car seat in the back, and Bucky's 40's music playing quietly from the speakers. You looked out the window at the lake, the setting sun reflecting its orange rays beautifully. You looked back and Bucky and saw the cabin start to come into view, still a bit away. Bucky's flesh hand held yours as he metal hand gripped the steering wheel, almost tight enough to snap it.

"Bucky?" you said, rubbing your thumb over his knuckles soothingly. He hummed in reply, turning the wheel as the road curved to right. "What's wrong, love? You look, uptight."

The man glanced at you and looked back at the road, letting out a big sigh. "I'm just nervous, that's all. You know Stark and I aren't on the best terms, with my past in all. And now the two of us are watching his daughter for a few days and I know you'll have this under control, no problem, but me? I might hurt Morgan and I'm scared for that." Bucky finished talking and you brought his hand up to your face, kissing the back of his hand.

"Bucky, I know you're nervous but Pepper wouldn't have asked us if she knew we could handle it. And you'll do great, Buck. I know you will," you said, trying your best to encourage your boyfriend. Bucky looked at you and smiled softly. He then turned his attention to the rear view mirror, looking at Morgan sleeping in the back seat.

He looked back at the road as he pulled up to the cabin. "Maybe this'll be a chance to prove myself, that I'm not a monster and that I'm better than my past," Bucky spoke, courage ringing in his voice. Your heart swelled at his words, so proud of your Bucky seeing past his past, and at how far he's gotten.

Bucky parked the car and shut it off, sitting back in his seat. He looked at you and smiled, leaning over and pressing a kiss to your lips. You smiled against his lips, kissing him back. Bucky's flesh hand cupped your face, his thumb rubbing your cheekbone.

"Are we going inside or not?" You and Bucky jumped apart, and looked at the back seat. A now awake Morgan sat in her car seat, arms crossed over her chest and the Stark Smirk on her face. "I wanna Juice Pop."

You laughed and unbuckled your seat belt, stepping out of the car and picking Morgan out of her seat. "C'mon, squirt. Let's get your Juice Pop."

"Aunt Y/N! Uncle Bucky!" Morgan cheered, running down the stairs and into the kitchen where you and Bucky sat, snacking on berries.

"What's up, Buttercup?" Bucky popped another slice of strawberry into his mouth and scooped up Morgan, tossing her up in the air and catching her, placing her on his hip. The girl laughed and wrapped her little arms around his neck. The two had grown close over the past few days, which warmed your heart.

Morgan looked at Bucky and grinned. "Whatcha wanna do today, Morgan? It's our last day watching you, so we can do, almost, anything you want," you chirped, walking over to the two. Morgan thought for a moment and her eyes lit up, an idea sparking in her mind.

"Can we make a cake for Mommy and Daddy?" she asked, looking between you and Bucky. You two looked at one another and nodded, thinking it was a great idea. Morgan showed Bucky where all of the ingredients were as you pulled up a recipe, and the three of you got started.

An hour later you placed the cake in the oven, and sent the two brunettes to the living room as you cleaned up the mess of flour and sugar, listening to Bucky and Morgan build towers of LEGOs. Your heart melted at how sweet the two were together, and how close Morgan and Bucky got over these days. At first, he was terrified of staying at the Stark's cabin and watching their daughter, yet day by day, the two grew so close and Bucky grew confident that he wouldn't hurt Morgan, Maybe the Starks would let you two come over for more play dates in the future.

"Hey doll?" Bucky called, pulling you out from your thoughts. You placed the washcloth and the bowl in the sink, walking into the room.  "What time are the Starks getting back?"

You looked at your phone and sat on the couch,  glancing at the time. "They should be here anytime." You sat watching Morgan stick her tongue out in concentration, clicking a blue and gold LEGO together.

You smiled and grabbed your book up off of the coffee table. You curled up in the cushions and got comfortable, placing a blanket over your legs.

After a few minutes a horn sounded from outside, and two doors slammed shut. Morgan jumped up and ran towards the front door, yelling, "Mommy! Daddy!" Bucky followed her and you headed to the kitchen, the oven timer ringing.

You pulled the cake out and set it to cool, and walked towards the entryway. Bucky was talking to Pepper who had Morgan in her arms, and Tony brought in their bags. "She was great, not one problem," Bucky said, wrapping his arm around your waist as you walked up next to him.

"That's a surprise. Morgan not being a problem," Tony said as he dropped their bags.

After a couple minutes of small talk, giving them the car seat from your car back and a gain of a couple of hundred bills, you decided to head home. You both grabbed your bags and hopped into your car. You waved goodbye as Bucky backed out and drove down the long driveway. You sighed into your seat and grabbed Bucky's normal hand resting on the gear shift.

"See? Wasn't that bad," you murmured, closing your eyes. Bucky squeezed your hand in response. The feel of the car vibrating around you mixed with the rumble of the vehicle was enough the lull you to sleep.

You got comfortable in the passenger seat still holding Bucky's hand. Before long you were fast asleep, ready for the long ride home.

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