I'll be home

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Laughter bounced off the walls and music and delicious smells filled the air. The team had all gathered in the main lounge, finally having a break from missions on a cold winter day, telling stories and having little competitions like who can catch the most marshmallows in their mouth blindfolded and Tony, Peter, Sam, and Scott having a snowball fight out in the back. Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves, grateful that the whole team was finally gathered back together.

Well, almost all of the team. Bucky Barnes sat next to Steve, laughing along with the team and trading stories back and forth. He seemed very happy and relaxed for what felt like the first time in an eternity on the outside, but on the inside, he was having a hard time keeping it together.

You had been away for almost five months now, missing your second anniversary of dating Bucky and many important events. Bucky tried to keep himself composed when you first had to leave on that mission but after about two months the walls started to crumble. The little things had reminded him of you, but after awhile they started taking a toll on him. Every night, he would lay in your shared bed, staring at the ceiling, and having your guy's slow song on repeat. It didn't help the situation at all, but it made Bucky think there was still hope for you to come home.

When you had received the file folder, the duration of the mission estimated by Hill was three months and a moderate risk. After the fourth month, Tony, Steve, and Bucky went to Fury, demanding they know what happened to you.


Tony, Steve, and Bucky walked up to Fury's office door, and Tony banged his fist upon it twice before throwing the door open. The three men walked in and looked at Fury and demanding your location and last know contact.

"Gentlemen, Agent Y/L/N had paged in yesterday and I was just about to send it off. But, now that you're here you might as well listen to it," Fury clicked his computer mouse a few times and your voice sounded through his speakers.

"Fury? Do you read me? Fury? This is Y/N, I've been compromised. We underestimated the mission, and I don't know if I can get back by myself. Please send backup as soon as you can. I'm at 47N, 3-" A scream filled the rest of the recording and the sound cut. Bucky stumbled back just a bit, and his hands formed fists, his knuckles turning white.

"We sent out a team to save her yesterday as soon as the message came in. I have not heard any word from them. Other than her mission being stationed in Romania and Poland and that she's at 47N, we have no idea where she is," Fury informed the three. Steve just listened and looked at Fury, Tony was calling what sounded like Bruce, and Bucky had sat down, running his hand through his hair. "Oh and Barnes," Bucky looked up at Fury, "she sent this in moments before she called in. Here." Fury handed the super soldier a tablet, and a video was ready to play on the screen. He tapped play and listened.

Your face showed up on the screen, and you seemed to be occupied with trying to get the camera focused. You looked at the camera and once you realized it was set, your face softened and you smiled. Your face was covered in scratches and marks, and your eyes seemed to have lost a little bit of light in them. Your hair was matted and you looked a mess, but Bucky thought you have never looked more beautiful.

"Hey James. It's been a while, huh? I miss you so much and I'm sorry I'm not there. I wish I could so I could celebrate what I've missed with you, so we can cook and dance together again and so I can- I can know you're safe and getting better and happy..." You trailed off, getting lost in thought and you looked down. You looked back up and your eyes seemed to have filled with tears. "I'm sorry. I miss you so much and I can't wait to see you again, which I will. I love you so much and it's okay. I'm going to be okay. Let Steve help you, please. Join our friends and don't be locked away, and I'll see you as soon as I can. I love you." You blew a kiss at the camera and ended the video, the screen turning black. Bucky could see his reflection faintly, and saw that his cheeks shined with new tears that he didn't even know he cried. Bucky felt Steve place a hand on his shoulder, and he stood up.

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