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This one has been requested by Romancer321 for quite a while, so sorry that it took me this long to get to.

Words - 1258

Thought I would give you one more before finals began.


It was no question Bucky has panic and anxiety attacks, flashbacks of his time in Hydra's hands at any given moment, or nightmares over and over again, causing him to wake in cold sweats. Parasomnia as the doctors liked to call it. Parasomnia had to be the absolute worse for the man, thrashing in his sleep and yelling out in fear, pain and anger.

At night, Bucky was terrified he would wake you up, or even hurt you. There has been times where you have been awoken by Bucky's cries, and you always managed to wake him up from his torture.

Tonight, seemed to be different.

You laid your head on Bucky's strong chest, his flesh arm coming around to hold you close to his body. You felt a kiss be placed gently on your temple, and Bucky laid his head back down.

"Goodnight, Bucky," you whispered, turning you head to place a gentle kiss on the metal arm holding you close.

"Goodnight, моя любовь." You shared a short and sweet kiss before settling into each other's embrace and closing your eyes. It didn't take long before the both of you were asleep and at peace from the stress-filled day.

Hours into the night, Bucky started to squirm and move about, his metal arm brushing your face ever so slightly. The sudden cool feeling on your face woke up up, eyes adjusting to the dark room. You heard Bucky cry out quietly, and you sat up. His hold around you was already lessened making your escape easy.

The signs of an up coming nightmare surfaced, and you did what you could to stop it. Bucky's thrashing and cries got louder and more violent. You sat on your knees on the bed and grabbed Bucky's shoulders, shaking them.

"Bucky, wake up love, it's just a nightmare," you spoke, but to no avail. You continued to try and wake up the Super-Soldier, but this nightmare seemed to be darker and stronger than before.

Suddenly, Bucky sat straight up and clamped his hands around your wrists that were on his shoulders. His eyes remained shut, and you could start to feel an ache in your arms.

"Bucky," you gasped, trying to wiggle your hands from his. "Let go. Wake up."

Bucky's metal hand left your wrist and was drawn back, preparing for a attack. Your eyes widened and you did the only logical thing in that situation.

Bite his hand.

You leaned forward and bit Bucky's flesh hand with your teeth. His hand let go, not expecting that. Bucky's metal hand came down and hit you in the gut, knocking you off the bed and onto the floor with a loud thump.

You gasped in pain and clutched your stomach, bruise already forming. Gritting your teeth you stood up from the floor. You grabbed the still "sleeping" Super-Soldier's face in one hand, and slapped it with the other. Not too hard as to mark it but to wake him up.

You didn't once, and it didn't seem to work. "I'm so sorry, James," you whispered, preparing to strike again. You slapped him harder. And again.

Bucky woke with a jolt and looked over, seeing a distressed you to his side. "Y/N? Are you okay? Why are you over here?"

You took your hand down. "I had to wake you up from your nightmare."

Bucky looked down. "Oh. Thank you, doll." He grabbed your waist, guiding you to lay down in the bed. You let out a wince and grabbed your stomach. Bucky looked at your face to your stomach and back to your face, hand reaching towards the hem of your shirt.

"Did I hurt you?" He whispered. You hesitated before nodding your head stiffly once before bringing your eyes up. You immediately regretted doing so, as your eyes were met with pained and terrified steely blue ones.

Bucky lifted your shirt up slightly, and there was a big and nasty bruise already forming on your lower gut. "No...No no no no no. No, I knew this would happen. Y/N, no no..." he started hyperventilating and speaking incoherently. You crawled closer, reaching a hand to his cheek. As soon as your fingertips made contact with his skin, Bucky stopped his mumbling and jumped. His startled jump resulted with landing on the floor. Bucky scooted against the wall, trying to make himself as small as possible.

"D-Don't get any closer, doll. I don't want to hurt you anymore than I have. Please," he begged. Bucky's cries broke you heart, and you could see tears streaming down his face. You crawled off the bed and made your way towards the cowering figure, each step causing an ache in your stomach.

"You didn't hurt me. It wasn't you." You tried to calm the man's panic, your own tears threatening to fall. Bucky shook his head and stood up, heading for the dresser.

He pulled out a sweatshirt and slipped it on along with his running shoes. Already wearing sweatpants, Bucky rushed out of the room and down the hall. You stumbled after him, trying not to make your pain obvious.

"Where are you going?" you groaned. Bucky reached his hands out and grabbed the door handle, not turning back to you.

"Nowhere," he lied as he left the apartment. You rushed forward and grabbed his hand right before the door closed. Bucky turned and looked at you, 'let go' written across his face.

"Come back inside, please," you whispered. You knew if you talked normally your voice would break, tears would fall and it would go downhill from there. "C'mon honey. Please don't run off. Let's just talk through this, okay?"

Bucky looked at the ground in thought, and slowly nodded his head and stepped inside. You gave a small smile and locked the door, then led him back down the hall and to your room. You took a seat on the bed with Bucky mirroring your action.

You stayed quiet and let Bucky decide when to begin talking. After a beat of silence, Bucky took a shaky breath and began talking. "I'm so sorry, Y/N. I hate this piece of metal attached to me and I was terrified I would hurt you with it. And guess what? I did."

You grabbed his metal hand and slowly brought it up to your mouth. You placed three soft kisses across it, and then brought it back down, still continuing to keep it in your hold.

"Bucky it's alright. It was an accident. Please," your voice broke from trying not to cry. "Please don't leave. I want to help you get through these, because I know you will. Please don't leave me, and please let me stay."

Bucky looked down at where your hand held his. You stood there for what felt like ages before he looked back up at you. "Okay," he said, almost inaudible. You smiled and kissed his prosthetic again. You let go of his hand and walked to your side if the bed as Bucky slipped off his shoes and hoodie.

You both crawled under the covers and into each other's arms.

"Goodnight, doll. I'm sorry."

You pecked a kiss to Bucky's lips and nuzzled into his neck. "It's okay, Jay," you whispered. "Goodnight."

I hate my endings of these.

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