Birthday Surprise

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*Based on an imagine by @1Metanoia1 - I really liked the idea and I put my own little spin on it. Full credit to @1Metanoia1 for the imagine. Be sure to check them out*


Words: 1780

(Very sorry that this is 2 days past Bucky's birthday, but it's only 2 days)

Bucky's birthday was coming up, but it didn't seem like an exciting or happy time for him. You have been stationed out in Berlin to set up a new S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters, and it's been over 8 months that you've been stationed out. Bucky has missed you like hell, nightmares and gloomy attitude resurfacing. Steve and Sam tried to help with the nightmares, but they could never get Bucky calmed down and relaxed as easily as you could.

Now it was March 9 and you were on a flight home, only Steve, Natasha and Sam aware of it. March marked month 9, and you were finally sent back home. Bucky never cared about celebrating his birthday, but you always did something special even if he didn't want something in celebration. This would be his 102nd birthday, and Bucky did not want to celebrate it with out you. No gift, no cake, not even a 'Happy Birthday'. He wanted none of it, not without you. 

But the trio had a different plan in mind. 

As you landed at the airport, Sam tackled you with hugs, making you drop your bags. You let out a laugh and returned the hug. You left the airport, hopping in Sam's truck and heading to his house in D.C.

"So where's Steve? And Tasha," you asked, resting your feet on the dash. Sam playfully smacked your shin and you put your legs back on the floor, dusting away the dirt.

"Steve's with Bucky, trying to keep him sane," Sam looked at you sincerely. "He hasn't been the same since you left, as anyone can believe. More nightmares, flashbacks, and a darker mood."

You let out a sad sigh, wanting to head straight to the Avengers Headquarters instead of Sam's, but you still wanted to got through with the plan. You knew that Fury sending you to Berlin was going to be very hard on everyone, especially Bucky. You called him as much as you could, but it was never the same.

"Now Tasha? I have no clue where she is. Guess we'll figure out with her dramatic entrances, huh?" Sam shrugged, a joking tone in his voice. You chuckled as the towering buildings turned into houses and trees, signalling you were heading into the suburbs of Washington D.C. You pulled into Sam's driveway, bringing in your luggage and collapsing on the couch.

Sam made you a mug of tea and handed it to you, taking a seat on the second sofa across from you. "So how was it?" he mused, pulling out his phone.

"It was very stressful to say the least, but it was enjoyable. Living in Berlin, the history and beautiful architecture. I didn't have as much time as I wished to look around but it's not like it was a vacation trip. But it was nice to have almost everything payed for." You took a drink of your tea and sighed. "We got everything set, and I'm able to work from New York again, leading the new branch of S.H.I.E.L.D. And it's so nice to be back, I wish I could see Bucky today."

Sam laughed and put his phone away. "I just text Steve we are at my place, and he said Bucky is still the same as he has been. And that's nice to hear, Y/N/N. I'm glad you got so far with this, I'm really proud of you." You smiled at the man's words, blowing the steam from your tea.

"Thank you, Sam. It's good to be back."


The next day, Steve met you at Sam's house, bringing a large box with him. The blonde greeted you with a hug similar to Sam's almost knocking you to the floor. You sat on one of the couches, Steve sprawled out on the one across from you. Sam placed the box on the floor by your place on the couch, hands on his hips.

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