Love at first sight

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Does anyone else love musicals as much as they love the MCU??


Bucky never believed in true love, or love at first sight. Not even in the 40's. He never really felt it growing up. But when he met you, boy did his viewpoint on that topic change.

Bucky projected a love-struck look on his face as he watched you fly around the Avengers Tower kitchen, preparing one of your favorite meals. He sat at the island, his head propped up in his palms, hearts practically in his eyes. Everything about you made his heart sing. The way your hair swayed with each movement, the way your smile brightened everyone's mood, how kind you were, how smart and independent and caring and downright beautiful you were. How you accepted him like an actual person, no questions asked. Even with his past, you still treated him like a person. A person who has feelings and a person who is broken and has made many mistakes, but you set out to fix that, and he has never been closer to being better than he is now that he met you.

When James Buchanan Barnes met Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N, it was love at first sight for the super soldier.

When he was brought to the tower, he had to physically keep himself from gawking at you, trying and failing to keep the hearts out of his eyes to save himself from the rest of the Avengers' teasing. Trying to save himself from their knowing smirks dropping hints about it. Only 3 of the Avengers have figured out the Winter Soldier's little-or now, big-crush...Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff, and Sam Wilson.

The trio always shot knowing smirks towards Bucky every time you would walk by or smile or talk to him. A harsh glare was given in return, yet deep inside Bucky, he felt his heart swell at seeing you or hearing your voice. He tried to hold a conversation with you, but he always got so nervous, mumbling and stumbling on his words. Bucky would awkwardly excuse himself and pace in his room, regretting the past 5 minutes and figuring out ways that it could've gone completely different directions.

Being brought back to the present, Bucky watched you walk over to him, and he started to feel that jittery nervousness again. Bucky sat up, hands rubbing his thighs trying to calm himself down and wipe away the sweat that has accumulated on his right palm. You leaned on the other side of the island and smiled.

"You alright, Buck? You were staring into space again," you questioned, looking at the super soldier. Bucky mentally gulped and felt the back of his neck start to sweat. He shook his head and opened his mouth to speak, but quickly shut it.

Come on Barnes, just talk to her. No problem. You were the ladies man only what, 80 years ago?

"Me? Oh, uh, yeah. I'm fine," he stumbled on his words, and quickly stood up. Unable to even try and get another word out, Bucky excused himself and left the kitchen, mentally scolding himself for messing up again. Bucky made a promise right in that moment, that tomorrow-no, tonight-he would ask you out. He couldn't bare it any longer, and he knew if he waited some other man would take you away as his own. Oh how could he live with himself if that happened? The best thing in his life, gone.

Bucky marched to where Sam and Steve were, readying himself.

No turning back now.

"Steve? Sam? I need your help."

You hadn't seen Bucky at all after he got all awkward and ran off from the kitchen. You shrugged it off be secretly wished he stayed there, so you could have another conversation with him. You've only held one or two full conversations with him, but that was better than nothing, right?

Well, maybe not when you've fallen head over heels for the guy.

You pushed your disappointment aside and kept going throughout your day, training with Natasha, helping repair Sam's wings from the last mission, getting your work caught up and helping Peter with his own school work.

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