"Shh...you're safe...I won't let you go..." - Part 2

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Pt 2 to "Shh...you're safe...I won't let you go..."

Your eyes fluttered open to the sound of beeping, smell of something sterile and quiet snores. Looking over to your left, a sleeping figure was curled up uncomfortably in a chair.

Bucky Barnes. His blue jacket looked like he tried to brush all the dust off, but was still peppered in dust here and there. You looked down to see his flesh hand holding your left hand tightly.

You smiled to yourself and spoke to him, rubbing your thumb over his knuckles. "Bucky..." you spoke sweetly, trying to wake him up. "Wake up." You lifted his hand up to your mouth and pressed kisses all over, still trying to wake the sleeping figure next to you.

Bucky's eyes opened and landed on you. His eyes lit up at your awake and smiling figure.

Bucky scooted his chair up next to the bed, resting his forearms on the bed. He held your hand tighter, bringing it to his lips and placing a kiss on the back of your palm. "Hello doll. Nice to see your y/e/c eyes again.

You smiled at his words, grinning sleepily. "Hey Buck. Nice to see you too." Bucky smiled, resting he head on his forearms, gazing up at you. You lifted your free hand and combed your fingers through Bucky's short hair earning a hum of comfort from him. Bucky closed his eyes, sighing and relaxing to your touch. He rubbed his thumb over your fingers, messing with the engagement ring you were presented with 4 1/2 months ago.

You two stayed like that for a bit, just enjoying peace after the scare from...who knows how long?

"Hey Buck," you spoke, breaking the silence.

"Hm?" Bucky hummed, cracking his eyes open.

"How long was I out? And how long have you been sitting here?" You questioned, continuing to run your hands through his hair.

Bucky looked up and the ceiling then back at you, still holding your left hand. "Well, when Sam and I got the mess from Karli and her forces cleaned up best we could, I came over here as soon as Sam let me. When the nurse led me to your room, she said you passed out in the ambulance, and said that was about 3 hours ago. But how long from then to right now?" Bucky scratched his chin with his metal hand, showing he was thinking. "Well that was about 1 day ago."

"Oh. That's not as bad as I thought it was going to be. I thought you were going to say something like 5 days or a week." You said, relaxing into the pillow. Bucky nodded, closing his eyes again. You looked at him and scrunched your eyebrows together. "Are you tired?"

Bucky opened his eyes again and shook his head. "Me? No I'm fi-" He was cut off by a yawn, proving your point. You raised an eyebrow and Bucky sighed in defeat. "Yeah."

You smiled and scooted away from Bucky, patting the space you freed up. "Come here." Bucky shook his head, not wanting to take up room. "Bucky...Please?"

Bucky smiled and let go of your hand. He nodded and stood up, brushing some more of the dust off his jacket. You smiled widely and Bucky laid down next to you, carefully wrapping his arms around you waist.

You snuggled closer to his chest, relaxing in his touch. "Get some sleep, Buck." He just nodded and not a minute later, you heard the soft snores coming from the sleeping figure wrapped around you. You soon followed, the both of you yielding to sleep.

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