The Beginning of the End - Part 2 - (REPUBLISHED)

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Real quick apologies for how long this took to update
And i have no idea how it works, but I go through my past "chapters" and edit one or two words, or add something different. I have no idea if it says I reposted or something so sorry

And if you have any requests, I will be sure to get to them soon, but right now I'm swamped with other ideas. But I will get to them soon!


Okay so I'm republishing this because I clicked on this "chapter" and half of it was GONE! I don't know what happened soooo i fixed it ig idk. Or, I did NOT realize that I posted it without finishing until a month after so it is now....FINISHED/Redone/Idk!


Looking out onto the battlefield, you kept close to Bucky. The being who wiped five years off your life stood right before you, narrowing his pig-like eyes at you.


You charged out, yelling a battle cry right along side your lover. Shooting every Outrider that stepped into your range. Before you knew it, you had no ammunition left resulting in ditching your beloved gun. Knife it is.

It felt like only five minutes into the battle when you felt a looming presence above you, and a large and calloused hand encircling your neck. The hand twisted you around so you were facing its owner.  Your breath hitched, literally and metaphorically.


The bastard picked your body up by the neck to where you were slightly taller than him. Clawing at his hand uselessly, you tried calling out for help. Thanos chuckled, as if he could read your mind, and looked behind you. Lifting his gauntlet and using the Power Stone, he knocked someone flying backwards.

"Y/N!" screamed the person sent flying backwards, and you could recognize that voice from anywhere. Bucky.

"Y/N, is it? What a shame, Y/N. What a shame. Too pretty of a face to be laid in the dirt." Thanos tightened his grip around your neck and you gasped your last breath of precious air as black clouds swarmed your vision.

You started thrashing and clawing harder, not letting this being the way you die. You heard a voice scream your name. A male voice that you would be able to place if your hearing wasn't so muffled.

"Y/N!" He screamed.

"Y/N!" Again.

"Y/N! Wake up, doll!"

Your eyes shot open and you looked around breathing heavily. You felt a grip around your body and tried to wiggle out of it. Looking up, you found Bucky Barnes holding you close with a worried look on his face. You stopped your fight for freedom and let your body collapse into sobs, burying your head into his chest.

Bucky rubbed his hand up and down your back, whispering soothing words to you as he lay you both back down on the soft mattress. After you settled down a bit, you felt his strong chest rumble with his question. "Doll, what happened?"

You let out a shaky breath and looked up at the Super-Soldier holding you. Wiping your eyes with the back of your hand, you laid your head on his chest again.

"It was bad, Buck. Bad. I had a nightmare about the battle. But it was different. Instead of getting hit by that laser," Bucky tightened his grip around you, remembering carrying your form to a shelter as you tried to recoup from the strike. "Instead of the laser, Thanos got me. He wrapped his hand around my neck and killed me. You woke me up right before, but the signs where showing."

Bucky pulled you flush against his body, shielding you from the outside world. "Y/N, don't let your mind think those thoughts again. There is no way in hell I would ever, ever let that man get you again. Or anyone. I would rather kill myself for your safety, you hear?"

You started to protest when he silenced you with a soft hush. "Y/N, I would do that without a second thought if you could have a chance still at this world. I never want it to happen, I'm not wishing for it. At all. But if the choice came between saving you or me, it would be you." Bucky went silent for a moment as he looked at you, thoughts of how much he loved you filling his mind. He couldn't even put into words for how much he hated this world for making you suffer and for how much he loved you. Bucky loved you to measures unfathomable to even himself.

"Let's try to get some sleep, yeah?" he whispered, pulling himself back from his thoughts. You nodded as a yawn left your lips. Bucky smiled and kissed your forehead, placing his chin atop your head in a protective way before closing his eyes.

But the two of you couldn't sleep, your thoughts keeping yourselves conscious. You broke the silence, startling Bucky.

"I miss them, Jay. So much. I miss Steve. And Tony. And Tasha. The world's a mess right now, have the world coming back all of a sudden. And we missed five years of our lives. Five years. I'm just a mess right now. I'm stressed trying to get back into the role I had before this whole mess, but it's hard," you sniffled, snuggling closer to the man holding you. "And Steve? I'm happy for him, lived the life he deserved. But he left you. He left you and Sam with only a shield. The world needs Cap back, and guess who has to help bring him back? A bird, an amputee and me." You fell into a tiny fit of laughter at your own joke, the exhaustion getting to you. "That would be a great reality show name."

Bucky smiled and laughed, shaking his head. "I think you need some sleep, doll. But you're right. I'm worried too. We do need a knew Cap, and I know Steve was right when he chose Sam for the job. I'm happy for him too, but at the same time I wished he stayed, fixed a few things then went back."

"Yeah," you yawned, rain starting to splatter against the windows. You snuggled into Bucky's arms and closed your eyes. His gentle heartbeat started to lull you asleep. That and the exhaustion weighing your body down, sleep would be an easy target to hit.

Bucky kissed your temples and then the middle of your forehead, resting his chin back on top your head again. "Let's worry about this tomorrow, alright?"

"Mm-hm," is all you got out, before finally falling into a well needed sleep.

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