The Beginning of the End - Part 1

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I'm redoing my Blip Mini Series because of how much I cringed rereading it so here ya go

(They have been unpublished)

To say Bucky was nervous was an understatement. James Buchanan Barnes was terrified. Not for him, oh no, but for you. Sure, when you two started dating Bucky was terrified for the fact that he might hurt you when he relapsed or forget you. He was terrified that you would leave him because he wasn't good enough. And yes, he was still nervous about that, but the fear has gone down after he started trusting himself. But this was a different reason.

Bucky looked out upon the Wakandan countryside that he has called home for the past 2 years, gun held in his hands, eyes squinting from the sun. He was terrified that he wouldn't be able to protect you, that you would be hurt-or worse.

You stood to his side, armed and ready for the fight that defines life or death. You took in a shaky breath and closed your eyes, praying to the heavens above. Bucky looked over and saw your stature, wrapping his arm around your shoulders. You opened your eyes and looked at the man above you, a ghost of a smile being reflected to each other.

"You okay?" Bucky asked, concern lacing his voice. You nodded and looked back at the blue force field keeping you and your lover and friends from harm. Bucky pressed a kiss to your temple and took his arm away, looking back to the land before him. The ex-assassin handed you his gun wordlessly, and brought his hands up to his hair. Bucky tied it up in a bun with three swift motions, and took back his gun. You let out a laugh. How could he be adorable right when you're about to start a war?

"What?" He questioned, checking his assault rifle.

"Nothing. Just nerves," you said, brushing your own hair behind your ears.

After minutes of anxious waiting, T'Challa gave the signal and a section of the shield fell.

The king cried the call of his people, signaling it was the moment to attack. You ran along the charging army heading to the advancing Outriders. You kept a fast pace with Bucky with your weapons held to your chests, wind rushing in your ears. Outriders headed in your direction, causing the two of you to stop. You stood back to back as more surrounded you, jumping out to you with their jaws open wide.

The presence of Bucky up against your back calmed your nerves slightly. The Outriders heading in your direction ceased for a moment, and Bucky took his chance to turn around. When he turned around, you were gone and two Outriders took your place.

Two of the muddy beings had launched on top of you, tackling you into the mud and knocking the rifle out of your hands. Bucky saw you pinned beneath them and called out to you, springing into action.

Pulling your knife out of your pocket, your stabbed one repeatedly in the neck, as Bucky shot the other countless times. They collapsed on top of your body and you kicked them off, jumping to your feet. Bucky pulled you into a short but protective hug, kissing your forehead.

"Don't scare me like that again."

More and more Outriders advanced, overwhelming everyone. "There's too many of them!" Bruce called in your earpiece, speaking what everyone was thinking.

A bright light came down from the sky, drawing your attention to your right. Many Outriders were knocked down, a flying axe emitting lightning becoming its targets. As the light faded, Thor, a tree and a raccoon stood on the side of the riverbank.

"HA HA! You guys are so screwed now!" Bruce laughed, as the three newcomers charged. Thor jumped up, dozens of powerful bolts of lightning surrounding him. With his land, at least 70 Outriders met their fate, the God of Lightning sealing it.

You resumed your position with Bucky, covering each other's six. The raccoon somehow managed to appear at your sides, firing and jeering at the Outriders. "Ah, get some, get some, Space Dogs!"

Bucky picked up said raccoon and still shooting. "Watch out, doll," he said quickly, and you crouched down, not really wanting to be shot at by your boyfriend or a talking rodent. You continued shooting but from the grass, and Bucky dropped the animal. You stood up and stood at his side, giving each and every Outrider in your range no mercy.

"How much for the gun?" The raccoon questioned, looking at you.

"Im not selling this thing," you said, not lifting your finger from the trigger. The raccoon rolled his eyes and caught sight of Bucky's arm.

"Okay, how much for the hobo's arm?" You both stopped shooting, the number of Outriders attacking dwindling. Bucky looked at you and then the animal.

"Not for sale." Bucky spoke without any emotion, leading you to another section of the fight. As you walked away, you swear you heard a 'Oh, I'll get that arm.'

Looking at Bucky as you switched out your magazine, you formed a confused expression. "Did that raccoon just-?"

"I've learned not to question it anymore. And do I really look like a hobo?" You laughed at the question, shrugging your shoulders.

A loud noise that sounded like a chainsaw caught your attention, looking at your left. A row of five gigantic blades were heading straight for you, breaking off into separate ones. Eyes wide, you jumped into a trench, covering your head. You jumped back up as it passed, finding a very distressed Bucky Barnes above you.

"Y/N! Grab my hand!" He cried, sticking his arm out to you. You clasped his hand with yours, and he hoisted you up. Bucky pulled you into his arms, resting his chin atop your head. "I told you not to scare me like that again!"

You let out a laugh and backed away, picking up your yet again dropped gun. "We'll have time for a reunion and celebration later. Now lets finish sending these assholes to hell."

As soon as the words left your lips, it went silent. The explosions and cries have stopped. All of the Outriders were dead, Thor had destroyed the ships. "Something's off," Bucky mumbled, heading towards the woods. You followed, the voice in your ear startling you.

"Everyone on my position."

You raced to where Steve was, and a blue and grey cloud of smoke appeared in the trees. A figure emerged, towering and purple.

Thanos had arrived.

A command from Captain America was ordered, and everyone charged, one after another, knocked away like leaves. You and Bucky charged side-by-side, Thanos knocking you to the side as if you were an annoying house fly. You smashed hard into the side of the cliff, the wind escaping your lungs.

Footsteps sounded around you, and you watched Bucky collapse on the ground next to you. You reached your hand up to your face, and blood was painted on your fingers when you pulled them away. Bucky jumped up and charged again at the giant, yelling and a firing his weapon. You watched as Bucky was knocked back with the Power Stone, slamming on the ground a few feet away from you. Using the strength you had left, you crawled to your lover, turning his face towards you.

Bucky smiled weakly and sat up, as you collapsed down. "Y/N," he whispered, brushing the hair out of your face. "Come on, doll, we gotta-" Bucky froze in the middle of his sentence, looking around. It had grown quiet. Too quiet. Bucky helped you up and you leaned all your weight on him, limping to where Steve and Thor was.

"Thor what happened? What did he do?" Steve asked, looking at where Thanos once was.

"Bucky," you gasped, loosing your footing. You looked down, you legs were disappearing from right below you. You looked up at Bucky as you fell, a look of horror and fear on his face.

"Y/N, no-" Bucky reached out for your face, but you were gone. He looked at Steve, who had no answer. Bucky looked at the dust, and a small cry left his lips.

You were gone.

Bucky felt a weird sensitization throughout his body. He looked down at his hands, and saw them turning to dust. He looked back at Steve who was walking towards him, the unshed tears for you starting to fall.


And Bucky was gone.

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