On Call - Part 1

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It's been a long long time, guys
This'll be a great start.

Bruh tonight was absolute shit

And this is not my best, kinda rushed. I think it could be better. Tell me how I did please. Enjoy.

Words: 931


Bucky looked at the battlefield before him, foot tapping against the broken concrete and shoulders tense. Smoke rose through the already grey skies, mounds of rubble littered the scenery before them, and fires were sparked everywhere.

He took a deep breath and looked at his best friend. Steve gave him a grim look back and nodded. With that, the trio- Steve, Tony, and Bucky, ran out into the no-man's land of the fight, the previous wave of SHIELD agents having already tried their best to weaken the enemy.

But without success.

Bucky's mind only ran with two things.

One foot in front of the other.

And get back to her.

You were at home, cleaning the little apartment you shared with Bucky that you worked so hard to get, safe and sound. That was the only peace in his mind; that you were safe.

As the battle began and backup was already called in for the backup, Bucky found himself hunkered down behind a blowout brick wall and trying not to have a panic attack. Something during this fight triggered his past and he was struggling to break away from it. Bucky tried to calm his mind down by thinking of you, he needed you. But he needed you to be with him.

But that wasn't possible.

So the next best thing was to call you.

Bucky quickly changed the channel of his ear piece- that was conveniently connected to his phone, and managed to call you.

His metal finger tapped nervously against the trigger guard of his gun, repeating the same thing over and over again as the phone rang in his ear.

"Y/N, Y/N, Y/N, Y/N."

Back at home, you traded your phone for the broom  and answered the call from your husband. "Hello?"

"Y/N," Bucky said, almost desperately. Your happy mood at getting a call from him quickly changed to one of fear. You thought the mission was done.

"Bucky? What's wrong?" You asked. Wind was rushing on his end, and explosions shook the speakers.

"Y/N, I- I just need to hear you. Please. " he said. The amount of desperation that dripped from his words sent shivers down your spine.

"I'm right here James. What's wrong?" You asked again. You stumbled your way to the couch and took a seat on the soft cushions.

"I'm on the mission right now," so that explained the noises, "and it's not looking too good. I'm behind a blown-out wall, I can't focus on anything. I just- I just need to hear your voice, doll."

You were taken aback and your heart instantly started to cry out towards your love all the way across the world. "O- Okay. I'm here, James. I'm here. Whatever you want to talk about, I'll talk about it."

As much as you wanted Bucky to focus on the mission so he could come back home alive, you knew he needed this. And whatever it took for him to focus so he could come home, you would do it.

You talked about anything random, from foods that were over or underrated, to Opi, my cat, to your date next week. "Well, you know how we have a date next week?" Bucky asked. You heard a chunk of something shoot by the microphone and no-no words from Bucky.


"I think we might need to reschedule that. I might not be able to make it. What days are you off?" He asked, another explosion detonating.

"Bucky don't say that. Just get your ass out of the crossfire so you can come home and we can have a date." You pinched the bridge of your nose and tapped your foot nervously.

"Doll, I am out of the crossfire. Just tell me what days work for you."

You bit your lip and began to think. "I think I'm off the 5th, but I don't know."

"The fifth it is then..." Pause. "Could you do me a favor?" Bucky asked. Both of your anxieties were on overtime, as you both knew time was ticking.

"Anything for you, honey."

"Wear that blue dress. Please? I love how it looks on you." You both let out a laugh, as it was the same dress you wore on your first date and Bucky's favorite one for you to wear. He loved just about any dress on you, they all looked so good-especially a wedding dress.

But that blue one that gave the perfect amount of flair when you spun around, that accented your waist and hips and body perfectly, that brought out your eyes and hair amazingly, topped each and every one.

"I can do that Jay. I- I can wear it for you. I love you," you whispered, tears starting to swell. You were running out of things to say and time before Bucky's shelter would get hit.

"I love you too. Hey-"


Sharp ring.

Your yelp from the sudden noise.

And that was it. Line dead.

"Bucky?" You croaked. "Honey?...James!" You cried into the phone. You slid off the couch onto the floor and cried into your hands, curling into a ball and sobbing your heart out.

"James!" You screamed over and over, your cry getting softer and softer with each time it was exhaled until it was a whisper.


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