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Requested by @Simpforeverythingfic

It's sad but then it gets better I promise

Words: 1604


James Buchanan Barnes is dead.

At least the media said he was. And SHIELD.

Bucky Barnes was expected to return from a mission three months ago. The mission was so simple. Get in and get out type shit. The expected length for the mission was roughly four days. Those four days morphed into a week. Then two. Three. Then a month. Two, then three. There was no way that a mission that was expected to last four days turn into three months would result in a positive outcome.

Every search team came back empty handed.

Bucky Barnes was declared dead.

But you didn't believe that.

Until it hit month two. You couldn't handle it anymore. Your heart finally caught up with your brain; Bucky wasn't returning. Once that train of reality hit you, you collapsed to the floor, head in your hands, and started sobbing. Right in the middle of the Avenger's kitchen.

You didn't care who saw you. The love of your life is dead and you know it.

Sam was in the kitchen at the time and rushed to your side. He held you in his arms on the floor as you sobbed into his shoulder. The same way Bucky would comfort you- stay where you are and just hold you- and it made you cry harder.

Now it was month three, and you almost never left your room. The room you shared with Bucky. Pictures were scattered throughout the room of your adventures or just you two being cute or silly. But now they were all face down; except for one. It was your favorite picture of the two of you, and you moved it from the shelf to your nightstand. It was the first thing you saw when you woke up and the last thing you saw before you went to sleep.

Steve and all of the other Avengers tried their best to help you; to help you cope and get back up on your feet. But you shoved them all away. All that you want was for your Bucky to be back. But that wasn't going to happen.

You lay on your bed and stared up at the ceiling, regret and remorse and grief overwhelming your thoughts. You continued your staring, unable to do anything else but let your mind continue to suffer.


Bucky stumbled into the building, rain-soaked and exhausted. After a little, or now large, run in with people from his past, all Bucky wanted was to return home to a shower, warm clothes and a warm bed.

And to you.

Bucky dragged his body into the kitchen where everyone was. Everyone turned their head to the man in the doorway. A glass fell to the floor and shattered. Scott started choking on his food and Tony smacked him on the back.

"Hey guys," Bucky croaked as he fell forward.

Steve and Sam rushed up to catch him and supported the broken man. "Oh my god, you're alive," Steve said with a shocked expression. I mean who wouldn't be? If your best friend that you thought was dead more than once was suddenly back, you too might be shocked.

Bucky laughed and nodded. "Yeah, I'm alive." He looked around the kitchen and furrowed his eyebrows. "Where's Y/N?" Sam looked at Bucky sympathetically.

"She hasn't left her room in months," the Falcon said. "Barely ate, socialized or anything." Bucky looked at Sam with a worried and almost horrified expression. He shoved the two men off of him and started making his way towards your room, falling against the counters and shoving people back with each step.

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