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I just n realized I've been spelling S.H.I.E.L.D wrong this whole flipping time. Someone shoot me...please

Words: 714


You walked out of the kitchen, food in hand, and headed back to your room, feet dragging and head bobbing slightly to a song stuck in your head. Only 2 people remained at Avengers Campus, you and Bruce Banner, who stayed behind to help you recover and so he wouldn't risk Going Green and causing more damage. The last mission went far south for you, resulting in you being knocked out for one week, in recovery for the next six weeks, and for you to stay at the complex with Bruce.

A bomb had unexpectedly gone off next to you during a stealth mission, causing Steve and Bucky to call in S.H.I.E.L.D. back-up. A 5 hour emergency surgery plus a week unconscious, and a worried sick Bucky later, here you were. Sitting in your shared bedroom with no Bucky and only food and slight pain in your abdomen for company. It's been almost a week now that the team has been gone, one of the loneliest weeks of your life. Even good ole' Bruce had to leave in the end, meetings popping up all around.

You finished your food and looked at the time, your phone screen shining the time clear and bright as day, 9:34pm. With nothing else to do, why not sleep? You shut off your phone and lights, and slipped on one of Bucky's huge hoodies, and climbed into bed. It didn't take you long to fall asleep, dull pain and sleep tugging at your form.


Bucky climbed out of the QuinJet, his body aching and begging him to go to bed, or even pass out at the first chair by the door. But he refused, making you his number one priority. He and the team all walked through the doors and split apart, heading towards their separate rooms. SHIELD Agents took over clean up and putting supplies away, not one of the Avengers arguing against it.

He opened the door to his bedroom, and his eyes landed on your sleeping form curled up in his bed, the lump of blankets slowly rising and falling with each of your breaths. Bucky smiled to himself at the sight. He showered and changed in record time, then climbing into bed next to you.

Placing a kiss on you temple, Bucky pulled you closer to him carefully, your back against his front. He yawned and closed his eyes, keeping your body in his arms.

"Goodnight, Y/N," he whispered, falling into a deep sleep.

The sun shined into your room, the curtains filtering it slightly. Your eyes fluttered open to the light. Letting out a yawn, you tried to stretch but were held still by a pair of strong arms behind you.

Trying not to panic, you wiggled your body so that you were turned around. You were met face to face with a sleeping Bucky and your panic quickly subsided. You smiled and placed a kiss to his nose, cheeks, and lips.

Bucky's calm and sleeping face shifted into a smile as his eyes opened. The sun hit them just right to turn his blue eyes into sapphires. "Good morning," he murmured, the morning husk there in his voice.

"Mm, morning," you yawned, your own smile showing. Bucky chuckled and kissed your forehead, lingering there. "How'd you sleep?"

"Much better then I have all week, Моя любовь. How about yourself?"

"Besides the fright of being in someone's arms without knowing when I woke up, I slept well," you said. Bucky smiled and closed his eyes again, burrowing his head deeper into the pillow.

"Can we stay in bed today, doll?" His voice was slightly muffled from the pillow. You wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed the shoulder of his metal arm, nodding your head.

"I don't see why not. I don't think anyone else is getting out of bed either."

"Great," Bucky whispered, opening his eyes again.

"I'm glad you're home, Jay."

"Me too, doll."

Idk if I liked this one tbh

Damn I gotta fix that title

And shit I deleted some parts I'm not at 4k anymore 😔

Also, rewatching TFATWS, noticing details I never saw, I wanna jump in hug Bucky and whip some asses of who hurt him.

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