"I Love You"

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Someone posted this story online about their husband and I HAD to do something with it. And honestly, I think I used to do the same thing.

Do I post too many married OneShots? Idk

Oh my god my heart. I hope this makes up for "We're gonna be okay"

Words: 953


Bucky would show you affection in many ways, such as giving you cuddles, surprising you with flowers, clearing the day or night for just you two, doing the chores you absolutely hated when you've had a stressful day or just because, and- your favorite -surprise hugs and kisses.

But one way he almost never showed affection was by verbally saying it. He said "I love you" at random at least once a day, he couldn't let one day go by without saying it to you. He would gently hold your face in his hands, place a kiss on your forehead, nose, and then lips, look you straight in the eye with so much love and murmur, "I love you."

Bucky was never one to verbally express is love, as I said, but he sure as hell gave a lot of physical affection, to a respectful and certain extent, even in public. While in public, he would hold your hand, kiss your forehead, and hold you in his arms or keep one arm around your shoulders. With these little notions, Bucky was silently reminding you and consoling you that "I love you and I'm gonna protect you."

He would say "I love you" other times though, like as he's leaving you for a mission, right before the both of you hop off the Quinjet for a duo mission, after a nightmare, and before you went to bed.

You always knew Bucky loved you- you know he does, and he shows it in many different ways. But him saying "I love you" 3 times a day compared to your uncountable amounts hurt you slightly. You needed verbal confirmation from people that matter to you that they care for you or love you. You couldn't help it, you've been like that your whole life.

Your overthinking got the best of you, thinking Bucky might end things with you, so you thought back on when you were a kid.

And you got an idea. 

You remembered how when you got into an uncomfortable situation, you would hold the hand of whoever was there with you and tap or squeeze it three times, silently saying "I love you."

After a bit of thought, you decided to talk to Bucky about it. You mentioned how you needed that confirmation more than he gave you and brought up what you used to do as a child. He was extremely understanding, and cleared up his reason for not being very verbal. Bucky said he almost never verbally showed his affection while he was young, and his time as a POW didn't help it at all. So, he resorted to physically showing and holding you close to protect you. And you both decided to give the "Triple-Tap Code" a shot.

And boy, did it change a lot.

Non-stop during the day, Bucky would squeeze your hand or tap a part of your body, no matter where you were and what you were doing. Walking down the street? Every so often Bucky would squeeze your hand quickly three times. Picking up groceries? Tap tap tap on the small of your back. Cuddling during a movie? Tap tap tap on your shoulder. Receiving a hug or cooking dinner? Tap tap tap on dat ass.

And those sweet little kisses where Bucky would say "I love you" while giving you a hug? He started doing something different. Bucky would gently hold your face in his hands, place a kiss on your forehead, nose, and then lips, look you straight in the eye with so much love and murmur, "I love you," while tapping your cheek three times for each word.

That "code" seemed to bring you both closer and it became so important to you both; it never disappeared. You could swear that during the night when Bucky was passed out you felt him tap the small of your back three times.

Your favorite surprise (and the most odd) "I love you" taps was probably The Water Gun Incident™. You were in the kitchen when your lover snuck-up behind you with a cheap water pistol. Bucky shot you on your back three times before taking off running, shouting, "I love you, remember!"

When Bucky proposed, you held his face as you tapped his cheek three times with your left ring finger as you kissed for the first time as an engaged couple. Bucky immediately replied by tapping the same pattern on your back as he held your waist, smiling into the kiss.

And as your wedding date got closer and closer, his taps became more and more frequent.

On that day, once you were announced as husband and wife, Bucky grinned ear to ear, gently took your face in his hands, and kissed your lips sweetly while tapping your cheek with his left ring finger three times over and over and over again. During this, you had your arms wrapped around his neck and tapped his shoulder three times. Throughout the rest of the night, you both would tap or squeeze the other's hand, hearts ready to burst from the overwhelming love that filled them. And, of course, "I love you" was verbally said many, many times.

Those little taps served as reminders. Reminders that you both were never going to break your wedding vows, you were never leaving, and you would never stop loving the other.

Tap, tap, tap.

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