"Ran into a table"

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Requested by Buckys_b1tch and SebbyBuckyBarnes I hope this is what you were thinking about😅

Busting through the doors, you breathed a huge sigh of relief, finally arriving home to the Avengers Tower. You've finally finished your mission after 3 weeks being away on a solo mission.

Only a few cuts and bruises here and there, nothing too bad. Other then the shallow gash you managed to earn on your left forearm when you were trying to get out of a situation. You ran into a table trying to leave a bar fight.

Yes, a table. Not a knife or bullet wound, but a table. You and your clumsy self somehow manage to leave fights with no bullets or stabs, but can't leave a room with running into a table.

The TV was on in the lounge, Sam the only one in there, watching Mission Impossible. Walking into the room, the man turned around and grinned.

"Y/N! Long time no see!" Sam exclaimed, pausing the TV.

"Hey Sam. What time is it?" You questioned. It was dark out and no one else was up. "I was too tired and too excited to come home that I didn't look at a clock," you yawned, adjusting the straps of your bag.

"It's about midnight, and I couldn't sleep. I'm pretty sure I'm the only one awake, besides Tony. He's in his lab, probably pulling another all-nighter," Sam explained.

You nodded and started to leave. "I'm gonna go clean up and head to bed. See ya, Sam," you said, hearing a "goodnight" from Sam behind you.

You reached your room, dropping your bags on the floor. You walked over to your bathroom, taking a quick shower. Drying yourself off and getting dressed into one of Bucky's t-shirt you stole and some athletic shorts, you headed to bed.

What you saw made your heart melt and jump out of your skin at the same time.

Bucky Barnes, laying in your bed, clutching onto a pillow, curled up into a ball and in a deep sleep. Ah yes, James Bucky Barnes, your boyfriend that Tony didn't really approve of, but when did Tony's opinion and ideas lead to good outcomes?  Everyone could definitely see a change, a positive one at that, in Bucky when you came to Avengers Tower, and an even better one when you two started dating. Tony, surprisingly, admitted that once. But only once.

Your melted heart quickly went back to its original state, only to be slightly broken. Whimpers and soft cries came from Bucky, clearly showing he was having a dream, a bad one.

You rushed over to wake him up, kneeling down next to the bed. Grabbing his flesh hand, you stroked his face, speaking softly to Bucky.

"Hey Buck, it's Y/N," you spoke softly, bringing your hand up to comb through his hair. "I'm home Jay. It's all alright. Your dream's not real."

You felt Bucky stir, and his frantic eyes fluttered open. Taking in his surroundings, he looked at you, and Bucky's gaze visibly softened.

Bucky sat up, pulling you onto the bed next to him. He let go of the pillow and instead clutched onto you, wrapping his arms around your tired body and nuzzling his head on the crook of your neck.

"You're home...you're okay..." he whimpered, hanging on tight to you. You smiled softly and rested your head on his, rubbing your hands up and down his back.

"I'm home, Buck. It's alright," Bucky just nodded, not letting go. The two of you just sat there, wrapped in each other's arms, until Bucky pulled away.

"Did you get hurt, at all?" He questioned, pressing a kiss to your forehead. You hummed in contentment, eyes starting to close.

"Just a few scratches, the only bad thing was when I ran into a table," you sighed, half asleep.

Bucky chuckled and shook his head. "You ran into a table?"

You rolled your eyes playfully and nodded. "Yeah, pretty cool story am I right?"

Bucky just laughed and stood up, bringing you with him. "Let me help you get cleaned up," he spoke, taking your hand and leading you to your bathroom.

"What? I don't need help, Buck. I already cleaned myself up," you argued, too tired to be awake any longer.

Bucky stopped and turned to you. "Really? Then why is your arm bleeding?" He questioned, an eyebrow raised.

You looked down to your injured forearm, and sure enough, the wound had reopened, and was bleeding.

"What? I just cleaned it up," you groaned.

"It must've reopened." Bucky laughed and brought you to the bathroom, setting you on the counter. He grabbed some supplies and looked down at you. Even though you were sitting on a counter top, Bucky still somehow managed to tower over you.

Grabbing a bandage to wrap it up, Bucky careful held your arm in his flesh hand and used his metal hand to gently wrapped your injured forearm. He remained so focused on carefully getting it fixed that he didn't look away once.

When he did the final bit, Bucky used the medical tape to keep it closed and looked back up at you. "All done, doll," he murmured, leaning down and pressing a kiss on your forearm, as if to help it feel better, and then again on your forehead.

You smiled and hopped down, wrapping your arms around Bucky. "I missed you," you whispered, closing your eyes and inhaling his sent.

Bucky smiled and wrapped his arms around you waist, pulling you closer. "I missed you too doll. So much."

The two of you stood there for a bit, soaking up the time you head with each other. After about five minutes, Bucky asked if you were ready to go to bed, to which you just nodded your head to. Exhaustion was taking its toll.

Bucky sensed this and scooped you up effortlessly and carried you to bed, bridal style. Placing you under the covers, Bucky slid into bed next to you, the two of you wrapping into each other's warmth again.

"Good night, doll," Bucky whispered, running his hand through your hair. You nuzzled deeper into his chest, humming in contentment.

"Good night, love."

Not my best work but it's kinda cute

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