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IDK how I feel about the ending and some transitions tbh

Finally, a happy one

Words: 1719


Bucky has been, growing distant, to say the least. Coming to bed later than normal each night, getting closer to Natasha and Sam, and a few more unusual things. Bucky, Sam, and Natasha were always talking either in person or on the phone. He never said what their conversations were about, changing the topic or just brushing it off with its classified information. Which, obviously, you knew was bullshit. He used to tell you as much as he could, both of you working with the Avengers. So if he knew something that was supposedly classified, you would already know it.

Yet Bucky seemed to also be growing closer, if that made any sense at all. When he was around you, he seemed to shower you with love and affection, his blue eyes sparkling every time you looked at them. He appeared to be...happier. His face was brighter, the dark rings around his eyes were disappearing faster, and he smiled more. Bucky's been a bit more affectionate, giving you random kisses and hugs much more often than before. You weren't complaining about it, but you were slightly confused as to why.

And every time you brought it up to Steve, he just smiled to himself and very strategically changed the subject. Of course, this led to you overthinking and believing the worst. Bucky might be leaving you.

So every morning Bucky kissed your forehead as "Good morning," you dreaded that it was your last. Every hug, you dreaded that it was the last. Every flower, every kiss, every "I love you," you dreaded that it was the last.

Each night as you and Bucky slithered into the other's arms, you held him just a bit tighter, mentally begging him to not let go.

Time flew by, and soon enough he was even closer to Wanda, and you couldn't help but finally let yourself believe that Bucky Barnes was giving up on you.

And you were going to confront them about it.

You searched for them throughout the whole Tower before discovering them, Natasha and Bucky, up on the roof. Marching your way up there, you began cooking the conversation in your mind.

"Okay I'll say this, and then that, and then it'll all be okay!" You thought to yourself. Once you reached the roof and stood up, you looked around at the scenery.

The sun was setting, the clouds were painted with gold and pink and purple liquid light, and the wind ruffled your hair slightly. A small, white, circular table with two chairs on either side sat beneath a roof of outdoor fairy lights. Roses were in a navy blue vase in the middle of the table. It was the exact replica of your first date with Bucky at the restaurant/café years ago.

And it panged you right through the heart.

You looked around for them, and it didn't take long at all to spot them. Bucky and Natasha were standing face to face by the table, talking with small smiles on their face.

Tears began to surface in your eyes, but you quickly composed yourself and wiped them away before briskly walking over to the two. Bucky heard your footsteps and turned around smiling before letting it fall, mumbling "shit" under his breath. Natasha looked over at you and immediately had the same reaction. She pulled out her phone and typed on it, having it put away once you reached them.

"Hey James, Natasha," you said. You were so tempted to just kiss the hell out of Bucky to show that he was yours, but being your overthinking self, you thought you were too late for that.

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