Satisfied - Part 1

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Listening to Hamilton - What a Surprise - and got an idea.

Based of Satisfied- I really want to do one about others so stay tuned.

I swear sometimes my fics have too many or too few details. You can 100% see a difference here lmao.

This is my first "song fic" that i used the lyrics so wish me luck ig.

TW: Referenses to seggs- still no smut

Words: 1925

Bucky fumbled nervously with his tie, trying to get all of the twists and turns correct. He looked at himself in the mirror, his freshly pressed black suit complementing his figure quite well. It was the night of another Tony Stark party. Bucky normally wore dress pants and a button up, like Steve, but he decided to spice it up a bit.

Once he adjusted his hair and buttoned the last button, Bucky walked out of his room and made his way to the large area Tony used for his extravaganzas. The room was crowded with so many people, Bucky couldn't even begin to estimate the total. As he weaved his way through, two women caught his eye.

Natasha Romanoff and Y/N Y/L/N.

Two women both pulled out of horrifying organisations by Clint Barton, they were notorious for their amazing abilities and breath-taking beauty. Natasha and Y/N were very similar yet very different in numerous ways. They both were the best agents SHIELD and the CIA had to offer, yet one was more calm and collected while the other was a dumbass. The answer on who's who is quite obvious.

Bucky's eyes lingered on the pair as he made his way to the bar where Steve Rogers and Sam Wilson were waiting on him, running into one of the pool tables in the process. He heard two laughs in front of him, Steve and Sam watching the whole thing. Sam sat down his glass and took off his bomber jacket and placed it on the back of the bar chair.

"I see the two lovely ladies of the tower have caught your eye, huh?" Sam teased. Bucky rolled his eyes and ordered a whiskey. "I don't blame ya, they look amazing tonight. I mean they always do, but- Oh my God, Maria Hill is lookin' good!" Sam watched as Maria walked across the room and went to talk with Thor and Tony. "I've got some business to attend to, I'll catch you guys later!" He smacked Steve on the bicep and strutted off, waving at the woman he was heading off to.

Steve laughed and Bucky just rolled his eyes, taking the chair that Sam slung his jacket on previously. "He's gonna get rejected, I can't wait to see it," Bucky mused, raising his glass up to his lips. The blonde looked over at him and raised an eyebrow.

"Oh yeah? Well we'll just have to see."


-I remember that night, I just might regret that night for the rest of my days-

You sat on one of the black leather couches next to Natasha as you sipped on a whiskey and listened to her story. The dark green dress you wore fit you perfectly in all of the right places, and it made your eyes and hair glow. As you listen to Nat describe the story of Bucharest to you, a certain man walked by and caught your gaze. Your eyes trailed after him as he made his way towards Sam and Steve and ran into a pool table in the process. You let out a giggle as the two men fell into a laughing fit at Bucky. He composed himself and moved on, Sam quickly leaving for Maria Hill once he arrives.

-I remember those soldier boys tripping over themselves to win our praise-

You heard a sigh come from Natasha and didn't realize she had stopped talking. "Isn't he so hot?"

"What?" You were stunned. Natasha Romanoff, swooning over a guy like a middle school girl.

"Bucky? I just wanna," she made a grabbing motion with her hands, "grab him and smack that ass."

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