Happy Birthday!

850 20 44

Requested by MissSmims1229

Words: 1029

Wait... this is part 50 of this book?!?!? HOLY SHIT-


'Good morning, doll. Happy Birthday' is what you woke up to. Letting out the groan that everyone lets out the moment they wake up, you rolled over from the middle to your side of the bed. The light of the phone screen was a sight for tired eyes, your own falling blind for a moment. You blinked your eyes repeatedly to adjust them to the light. You read the text and smiled, opening the message. You responded with a heart and a 'thank you Jay'. 

You rolled yourself out of the warm sheets and got dressed and ready for the day. You took out the two braids you put in the night before, waves framing your face. A new message from Bucky was on your phone when you came back to grab it. 'I'm sorry I can't be there for your birthday. But I'll get home as soon as I can. Promise'. You smiled sadly at the device in your hand and shot a text back. 

'It's okay. We celebrated before you left. Now get back to Mission Mindset, as Steve says. As much as I would like for you to be home as soon as you can, I'd take later and alive over early and on a stretcher any day. I love you.'

'I love you too'

Bucky left almost a week ago with Steve for a mission and the two knew they shouldn't return until at least four days after your birthday, so they had a tiny celebration before they left. The pair being two of the closest people in your life didn't want to miss your birthday for the world, but, duty calls. 

You smiled and pocketed the device, leaving your bedroom and walking into the kitchen.  Sam stood by the counter preparing his post-run breakfast. When he heard you walk in he turned and smiled. "Happy birthday, Y/N/N," he said. He placed his toast down and walked over, giving you a side hug.

"Thanks Sam," you replied. You left the hug and took a seat at the island. 

Sam smiled and reached into his pocket. "It's not much but I got you a little something for your birthday." Sam pulled a small gift card out. You took the card from his hand and looked at it. It was a $50 gift card to Target. You smiled and looked up at the man preparing his food.

"Sam you didn't have to." He closed the peanut butter jar and started putting things away. 

"But I wanted to, it's your birthday," Sam argued, throwing a fork into the sink. As the utensil clanged against the metal, Natasha came in and ran towards you. She pulled you off of your seat and gave you the tightest hug you've ever received from her. 

"Y/N/N! Happy birthday!" The spy said as she pulled back but kept you in a loose grip. "Since it's your day, how about we go shopping? I'm sure Tony wouldn't mind paying," she grinned and tilted her head to the doorway leading to the lab. 

"I'm only agreeing on paying since it's Y/N's birthday and her Lover-Boy is gone," the billionaire grumbled, walking in at the perfect moment to refill his quadgillionth cup of coffee. "Card's on the-"

"Oh no need, Stark. I got it right here," Natasha smirked and took out her phone. "Been using it for quite a while now." Tony rolled his eyes and left the kitchen, Sam following behind with another 'Happy Birthday'. Natasha watched them walk out and looked back at you with a grin. "Now go grab your bag, Y/N. We got a bank to blow up."

You looked down and thanked your lucky stars that you put on a nice outfit to go shopping with Natasha Romanoff in. Nodding your head you ran off to grab your bag from your room. 

Two hours later you were back at the base, feet hurting and exhausted with arms full of shopping bags. On your way back to your room, you ran into the rest of the Avengers, getting multiple "Happy Birthdays" and even a few gifts. You thanked them and walked down the halls towards your room with Natasha. You stopped in front of your door, turning to face the redhead. She had a weird glint in her green eyes, one you haven't seen in such a long while.

"Thanks for the shopping trip, Tasha. Do I owe you any gas money?" You questioned, pushing the difference in her demeanor aside. Natasha shook her head.

"Nope! Tony's got it." She motioned for her room down the hall. "I should go put this all away. Happy birthday, babe!" You thanked her as she walked down the hall and into her room at the end, leaving you standing alone by your door. 

You adjusted your bags and opened the door, placing them on the floor. Walking over to your soft bed you collapsed on top of it when a voice scared the shit out of you.

"What? No hug? Damn, you broke my heart, doll." You shot straight up from the bed and whipped your head to the side of the door where the voice came from. The light flicked on and there he stood, four days early. 

Bucky mothaflippin Barnes.

You grinned and shot up from the bed, running forward and jumping into his outstretched arms. Your legs wrapped around Bucky's waist and arms around his neck as he spun around, kissing your temple. Bucky pulled back and looked at you, grinning from ear to ear. Scratches littered his face and neck, and you knew there were more injuries than what you were seeing, but that didn't matter right now.  

"Hi," you murmured, placing your foreheads together. 

"Hi," he chuckled, pecking your lips. You smiled wider and placed a real kiss on his lips, closing your eyes. Bucky gladly returned it, muttering something against your lips.

"Happy birthday, doll."


I'm the biggest sucker for reunite-ation fics. Love them.

And my quality for writing has changed DRAMATICALLY. HOW ARE YOU STILL HERE AFTER THOSE PIECES OF SHIT. Love you tho, and thank youuuuu.

Happy Birthday, @MissSmims1229 love ya, babes.

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