On Call - Part 2

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I hate the title tbh and I have no idea what tf i just wrote. I'm running on heartbreak, anxiety, a sandwich, and just a little sleep rn *im fine*
Funeral or Reunion...who's to tell 😇

Words: 1145
"I think we might need to reschedule that. I might not be able to make it. What days are you off?"

"Bucky stop worrying about that. Just get your ass out of the crossfire so you can come home and we can have a date."

"Doll, I am out of the crossfire. Just tell me what days work for you."

"I think I'm off the 5th, but I don't know."

"The fifth it is then...Could you do me a favor?

"Anything for you, honey."

"Wear that blue dress. Please? I love how it looks on you."

"I can do that Jay. I love you."

"I love you too. Hey-"

And that's the last thing you heard from James Buchanan Barnes. And it killed you inside. You were the last voice your husband heard, but it lifted you up that he heard his favorite name you gave him and that you loved him.

But as you walked down the hall solemnly with your hands clasped in front of you and head down, you couldn't stop your racing mind. Time was a bitch. Each second ticked by as soon as the first approached, just like the tiles that passed under your feet. It, time, was what took Bucky from you- it ran too short.

You were wearing that dress that Bucky loved so much. Even if it might not be the best thing to wear, it was what he loved. So you would fulfill his wish. 

Each door you walked by seemed to oddly remind you of little doorways into memories you shared with Bucky.

And now they might never be the same.

You continued your trek to the room you were called to, the space that held your husband. The smells of the building overwhelmed your senses along with the quiet. It only helped your mind race faster.

Feet facing the door, hand outstretched over the knob, you took a deep breath and pushed it open.

There, laying on the hospital bed, was Bucky. He was sitting up and struggling to stay awake. But he was healthy. Alive.

Don't you love me

But something seemed off.

*gasp* whats new

Bucky had the IV, the oximeter, the heart monitor, everything. There was a bandage around his head with his short brown hair leaking out from the top. He was even smiling through the black eye and new scratches as soon as he saw you. That was all you could see as he had the blanket wrapped around him all the way up to his neck.

"Y/N," Bucky said, just like he did when he called you three days ago with the same desperation to hear and see you. You smiled as tears surfaced and quickly made your way to his side. "You wore the dress," he murmured.

"James," you sighed. He pulled his arms out from the covers and wrapped his arms around your body. Oh, how happy you were to be in his arms again, safe and sound.

Only when you pulled away and kissed his slightly-chapped lips did you realize that he hugged you with only one arm. When you looked down to his left, you were shocked to see it wasn't there.

All that remained was about an 8-inch nub, covered in a black silicone cover with a sliver of silver peaking over the top by his collarbone.

Bucky followed your shocked expression and laughed. "Yeah, it's weird not having it there, huh?" He gave his new nub a little wiggle that caused you to laugh. "Hopefully they give me a new one. I hate trying not to fall over every time I get up because I'm not used to not having a metal arm. And," Bucky threw off the covers on his left side to reveal an entirely casted-over left leg. "This is annoying as well."

"Oh my Go-"

"Now it's not as bad as you think, doll," Bucky defended. The cast went up from his foot all the way to his mid-thigh- a stiff, white encasing of uncomfy. You rolled your eyes and chuckled. Bucky just smiled sheepishly and scratched his forehead, right above where a butterfly band-aid was pulling the skin back together. "It's really not," he mumbled.

"Your left side took quite a tumble, huh babe?" You laughed again and placed a kiss on his forehead as you cupped his cheek. "We'll get you a new arm and fixed leg soon, Jay." He looked back at you and smiled. "I'm glad you're okay," you added.

"Me too," Bucky said as he kissed your palm. The cutest smile you had ever seen on his face was present- he just could not stop smiling because he was seeing you after that horrible mission. And with Bucky's happiness being contagious, you couldn't help but give a small laugh again as you sat down on the bed next to him.

"What's got you all smilin'?" You asked. Bucky reached out his right arm for yours and you took your hand away from his face and intertwined yours together. 

"Nothing, just glad that I'm back with my best girl." Bucky looked down at the dress he commented on earlier. "You look great, by the way. Not that you always do, you do! It's just, yay! That one!" 

You gave a snort of laughter and rested your head against his shoulder. "I've never seen you act like this, babe. What's going on?" Bucky never acted like this, like you, slightly crazy and a bit off your rocker. Bucky was one that was either serious, completely and utterly confused, able to charm your pants off, or just about any other emotion than whatever this was. 

"I don't know, Y/N. It might be those pain medications. I feel a little woozy." Bucky whistled between 'little' and 'woozy' and drew a circle in the air next to his head. You laughed and kissed his cheek.

"Clearly," you said bluntly. 

Bucky just smacked your stomach lightly in retaliation before kissing your temple and cuddling closer. "I'll try to sleep it off, at least that's what you would tell me to do," he said as he closed his eyes. You nodded as you smiled, knowing he was exactly right. that's a first

And so, after a phone call during a mission, a 3-day scare of where you had no idea what was going on, and whatever just happened above this paragraph, you were reunited with Bucky. Even though his entire left side was crushed by concrete, eh. It'll buff. 

The end :]


Idk what i just wrote and idk if i regret it or not but I tried to make this make sense and be as light-hearted as possible but my mind was elsewhere when I was writing. So I'm sorry if it's bad. *it is*

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