Reunited and Amends

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The cameras all pointed at Sam, who was decked out in red, white, and blue, as he glided down with what looked like an unconscious Karli in his arms. He walked up to the press and paramedics, walking tall and with authority. Sam laid her on a stretcher and she was taken away by the paramedics. Bucky and John Walker walked up between the ambulances, and stood out of the way. John walked closer after a moment, jaw clenched tight.

As Sam got closer, immediately he was thrown questions that he did not respond to, until he reached the senators. After a bit of arguing and cameras rolling, Sam walked back over to Bucky who was leaning against an ambulance.

"Sorry. I was, uh, I was texting. And so all I heard was a black guy in stars and stripes." Sam chuckled as the two walked away. "Nice job, Cap."

"Thanks." Bucky patted Sam on the back, silently praising the new Captain America. They found Sharon leaning on the side of a car, holding a cloth to her abdomen.

"Sharon?" Sam questioned, walking up to her.

"Blocking my light," she spoke, reapplying pressure.

Sam looked at her and spoke, "We gotta get you to a hospital."

"She's not gonna listen," Bucky said, looking around.

"It's not the worst thing that's happened to me all week," Sarah panted.

"Told you."

A man behind them spoke, "Uh, Cap?" Sam turned to the noise and looked back at Sharon.

"I think they are looking for you." Sharon looked at Sam and Bucky. Bucky didn't look at her but just looked down and pulled out his phone, opening his contacts. "Look, I'm sorry for how things ended down there. For what it's worth, suit looks good on you."

"Thanks," Sam chuckled.

Bucky sighed and looked at Sam, putting his phone away. "All right, can we get out of here, please?" Sharon nodded and the two left Sam, not saying a word as they left the scene. At the second block, Bucky turned left and left Sharon, trying to rush home. He walked three more blocks and stopped in front of a nice apartment building and walked in and up to his apartment.

Bucky pulled his keys out of his pocket and unlocked the door, walking in and locking it behind him. Bucky took off his jacket and hung it up beside the door, and took off his shoes. He walked into the kitchen and heard footsteps coming from his bedroom.

Bucky looked up and found you running up to him down the hall. Bucky grinned and ran up towards you. You jumped into his arms and he caught you, spinning you around and holding you close. Bucky stood still and wrapped his arms around your waist as you wrapped yours around his neck, burying your head in his chest. Bucky rested his chin on your head, and kissed the top of your head.

After a moment you removed your head from his chest and looked up at him as he looked down at you. "You're home," you said, a tear falling down your face. Bucky smiled and wiped your tear away and held your face with his flesh hand.

"I'm home, and you're safe." Bucky, your fiancé, guided your face to his and kissed you, which you happily returned.

After a moment the two of you separated and just held each other close again, not wanting to leave. You let out a yawn and Bucky looked at you. "Go to bed, doll. I'll be there in a moment." You nodded and pecked his cheek with a kiss and walked to your shared bedroom. You slipped under to covers and relaxed, happy that Bucky was finally home after roughly 5 weeks, and he was safe. That's all that mattered to you.

After about 5 minutes, Bucky walked in and got into bed and laid down next to you, where you gladly cuddled up to his side. Bucky wrapped his arms around you and held you close, and tangled his legs with yours.

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