I'm Here - Part 2

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You may be wondering why the heartbreaker has a part 1. They're dead, right? hehe well...

Better dry those tears cuz they're coming back

It'll all make sense at the end I swEAR-

guys, I tried so hard and I'm so proud of this one you don't even know

Words - THIS IS MY LONGEST FIC YET SO HERE WE GO: i love you 3000

Off-topic but I'm OBSESSED with Late Night Talking and As It Was rn omg- so freaking good


I'm so sorry. I love you Y/N. I love you Y/N. I love you Y/N. I'm so sorry. I love you-

His slowing heartbeat stopped. His last breath left his lungs. Everything faded into complete darkness and utter silence.

Into nothing.

Bucky's eyes snapped open. Still laying on the ground, he pushed himself up to a seated position but didn't feel any sparks of pain travel across his body. Bucky stood up quickly and took in his surroundings. He was in the middle of an older city, but everything was white.

The buildings, the streets, the objects on and around buildings, and even the sky. It reminded him of glaciers; sharply white and towering over him. The wind ruffled his hair and clothes.

Spinning around slowly, Bucky began to realize he was alone. He began to wonder where you were.

"Y/N?" He called out, hoping to find you. Nothing. "Y/N where are you?" He shouted again, his voice rising in fear. But he still got nothing in response.

Running his normal hand through his hair in an attempt to calm himself down as he called out for you, Bucky heard footsteps on the street behind him. He turned fully around, hoping to see you there but was let down when it was just some random person.

Upon closer inspection, Bucky realized it wasn't a normal person. They were a translucent shade of light blue, and little sparks of that color shattered off of them in the wind like snow. Her hair floated in the breeze and her flowy dress danced with it. He noticed they were a woman, a very beautiful woman at that. But, like every other woman he's ever come across, she was not as beautiful as you. Not even close.

"Hello, James," she said, her voice sounding like silk. Bucky furrowed his eyebrows and eyed her up and down.

"H- How do you know my name?" He asked after a moment. The woman just chuckled and glided over towards Bucky. He then picked up on the fact that she had no feet, or legs for that matter, which spooked him even more.

"I know everyone's names once they arrive here," she informed, stopping about three feet in front of him. Bucky looked around and began to worry.

"Okay...Where am I, exactly?"

"Can't you recognize it? You're in Brooklyn," the woman smiled, gesturing around. Bucky looked around and some bits and pieces started to fall into place. "Brooklyn, 1926."

"19-1926?" Bucky exclaimed. "Where's Y/N? Where is she?" He shouted, now worried even more that he couldn't find you and looking around frantically.

The woman glided past him and motioned for Bucky to follow her. "I'm taking you to her." Bucky nodded slowly and began to skeptically follow the strange being.

"So, why am I almost 100 years in the past in a white Brooklyn? Why-" Bucky was cut off by a child running right in front of him. The child, who looked like a very small and weak 8-year-old boy, stopped running and turned to face Bucky to look up at him. He was just like the woman before him; with specks of himself floating off of his body but his complete build was pure white, just like everything around him.

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