Lost and Found - Part 1

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Based off of that one scene in MoonKnight Episode 1

Words: 1710


Bucky rubbed his tired eyes with his gloved hand, sitting in a slumped position on his sleeping bag on the floor. Another day on the run. Bucky stood up and threw on the other two of his three jackets and put his cap on top of his long hair. He never took off more than two jackets, and was always wearing jeans. Even when sleeping you wouldn't find Bucky Barnes without his jeans, two shirts, and jacket. 

Walking over to the newspaper-covered windows of his crappy apartment, he lifted one of the corners up. It was a bright day out, why waste it? The man felt a headache start to appear, a memory shining through. 

"Why are we staying inside on such a nice day, Jay?" asked a woman, sitting criss-cross on a bed. Bucky looked at her but couldn't place her name or how he knew her or why she called him "Jay". Bucky felt himself smile and sit next to the woman. Was he back in mind control? It felt like it, but at the same time, it felt like him. And his hair seemed shorter, it wasn't tickling his cheeks. 

"Well, what do you want to do today?" He said. His mind didn't tell him to say that, but his mouth did.

The woman smiled and placed a finger on her chin, showing a face of thinking. "Um...We could go to the museum. Or Prospect Park. Or the Botanical Gardens. I honestly don't care, I just want to get outside." Bucky felt himself smile and watched himself grab her hand with his normal one.

"Whatever you want to do, doll."

Bucky stumbled back and took a deep breath. These memories seemed to be triggered by something so small, and were happening more and more often. And each time Bucky felt like he was drowning until he surfaced back into his present self. The memory struck a cord within his heart. The woman, himself, and those names. Jay and doll. God, why did they seem so important to him? Bucky quickly thrust his hand into his pocket and grabbed the small notebook he kept there. He started writing down everything he could remember from the memory and the emotions he had tied to him. Bucky put the notebook away and looked around, deciding on what to do today. He decided on heading down to the busier section of the city and shop around. 

Three hours later, Bucky walked back into his apartment with two plastic bags. One of plums, and another of various groceries he picked up on his way back. Setting the bags down and locking the three bolts on his door, Bucky heard a phone ringing. It was so quiet, he was surprised even his Super-Soldier hearing heard it. 

Bucky strained his ears for the chirps and followed the noise best he could. It led him to his refrigerator that broke down just last night. He placed his gloved hands along the side of the appliance and pulled it to the side, messing up the crappy floor even more. The chirping stopped. Bucky looked at where the fridge used to be and saw a normal wall, but a piece of plywood poorly attached to it. The board was a jagged 6 inch by 6 inch square, and was barely hanging onto the wall with 3 nails that were more out than in. That's why he could hear it. There wasn't a fridge running.

The man reached out and ripped the board off, throwing it to the side with a crash. A hole a little larger than his fist was what the board used to cover. Bucky peered in and saw an outline of a flip-phone covered in dust. He reached in and grabbed it. The phone was somehow connected to its charger from inside the hole. Bucky yanked the device from the cord and took it out. He blew the dust off and flipped it open. The screen showed a various array of app icons, but two stood out to the man. The call app had a red circle on the top right corner, a "1,207" in the middle of it. The messages app had the same red circle, but a "3,621" instead of "1,207". Bucky was about to click on the messages app when the screen shifted from the app icon display to a bright blue screen. "Incoming Call from 'Y/N'" was on the top, and below was a navy blue button that said "ACCEPT". 

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