We're Gonna Be Okay

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Everyone give @Caps_Mighty_Shield a big hand for some parts of this story  😇


LISTENING TO All I Want by Kodaline did NOT help in writing this. 

Words: 1296


"Bucky!" you cried, tears pouring down your face as you ran to your husband's broken body. Bucky was slumped up against a wall with blood pooled all around him. When he heard your cry his head turned towards you. As you got closer to Bucky you saw blood pouring from his mouth onto his jacket and deep, genuine fear and pain in his blue eyes. His cheeks were wet from tears, and more were falling. 

"Y- Y/N," he stuttered, trying to sit up straighter. You fell to your knees on his right and sat your gun to the side. You placed your hands carefully on his shoulders and guided him back against the wall. "N- No, Y/N. Help me up. I'm fine," Bucky croaked, trying to sit up again. 

"No, no. Just stay here, I'll call in back-up," you argued. Bucky nodded and lay slumped on the cold and wet concrete wall. You pressed the button on your comms and demanded for Sam to get to your location. As soon as you got his confirmation that he was heading that way, you breathed a sigh of relief and looked back at Bucky. His eyes were frantic, darting all over your face. They were filled to the brim with tears and fear.  "I'm so sorry that it hurts so much, honey. But back-up's on the way."

Bucky shook his head and grabbed your left hand with his right. "It's not that, not that at all, Y/N. Yes it hurts like a bitch but it doesn't hurt nearly as close as the thought that I'm leaving you. I can't leave you, doll." Your heart ached at his words. As much as you need to be consoled and told that it was going to be okay, Bucky needed it most.  

You placed your free hand on his cheek and wiped his tears with your thumb. "Oh Jay. It's going to be okay." Bucky shook his head in response and you felt and saw his body shake. "Hey, hey, save your energy. Sam's on his way, just stay awake. Please," You pressed a kiss to his forehead and lingered there for a moment. You knew your husband wasn't going to make it, and you were struggling to accept that. Even with the serum he had a large possibility that he wasn't going to walk away from this. There was just too much blood. But it would buy you time. And based on Bucky's actions and the look on his face and in his eyes, he himself was not ready to accept his own death. He wasn't ready to leave you.

"Y/N I can't leave you," Bucky sobbed. Tears were pouring down his face like it was nobody's business. "Not after everything we've been through. Not when I finally got everything I have ever wanted. A- And I can't leave you. How am I going to protect you, be with you, see our child grow." Bucky placed his metal hand on your just barley there baby bump. You smiled sadly and your forehead against his and closed your eyes. 

"It's going to be okay. We're going to be okay," you whispered. "I'm scared out of my damn mind but I know that it's all going to be okay. I can't imagine this life without you, I don't want to. But I know that there is a huge chance we both don't walk away from this." You weren't going to lie to Bucky, you couldn't.  The fist around your heart seemed to squeeze tighter and tighter with each passing second of sitting there. This was supposed to be, for the both of you, your last mission until your baby was born. But now, it seemed to be Bucky's very last.

So you sat there on your knees, holding your dying husband's face with one hand and clutching his hand with the other. You kept your eyes closed and foreheads together, whispering comforting things to your lover. Bucky kept shaking in your hands, begging to any God out there that this was not his end, that he would continue his life with you, that he would see his child grow, and that everything would be okay. 

You heard someone shout your name from down the dark hall you were in. Turning your head you caught sight of a frantic Sam sprinting to where the two of you sat. He collapsed on the ground on Bucky's left and tried to speak but Bucky cut him off. 

"Sam I need you to promise me something," Bucky croaked, trying to sit up again. This time you helped him best you could, still holding his hand. Sam nodded his head and urged Bucky to continue. "I need you to promise that you will take care of my family. I know Y/N is as strong as hell," Bucky paused and looked at you with a smile before continuing. "But I need to know that some one will be there for her." You started sobbing and rested your head on Bucky's shoulder. He was accepting his death. "Please," he said before turning his face and began to place kisses on your temple. 

Sam swallowed and nodded, eyes hidden behind tears. "I promise. Even if you didn't ask, I would have taken care of them without a doubt." Bucky smiled at this and nodded. He placed his metal hand back on your risen stomach.

"I'll see you again, doll. I love you," he whispered for the last time. You felt his last breath on your ear as his eyes closed and he finally let go, knowing you and his child would be taken care of. His metal hand  fell to the concrete floor with a clink, it's horrifyingly quiet sound signaling your husband's departure from this world. 

You lifted your head from his shoulder and looked at Bucky with tears cascading down. You saw a ghost of a smile on his blood-stained lips, and the blood slowly began to leave his face. You leaned forward and placed a lingering kiss on his cheek and looked at your intertwined hands when you pulled back. 

"I love you too, James." 

--Seven Months Later--

You sat in the hospital bed, the little blue bundle in your arms held close to your chest. Tears began to form in your eyes as you thought back to sitting in that dark and damp hallway seven months ago as you and your husband clung to each other. You still remembered his frantic face as he realized he wasn't going to see his family, protect them or hold them. But you also remembered the content smile that he left the world with, his mind and heart at peace that his family would be taken care of. 

A knock on the door interrupted your thoughts as Sam Wilson walked into the room, flowers in hand. He's been by your side since Bucky's untimely death, helping you through your pregnancy and delivery. He never once gave up on his promise to Bucky, and he never planned on starting. You thanked him time and time again, knowing sometimes it may be awkward, but he never said it was and that he was glad that he was able to help his friends.

Sam took a seat in one of the chairs by your bed and placed the flowers on the table. "How are you and James?" He asked. Of course you were going to name your son after Bucky, you'd hate yourself if you didn't. You looked down at your baby who just opened his eyes. Eyes just like Bucky's beautiful blue ones. 

"We're alright. We're going to be okay."



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