"Shh...You're safe...I won't let you go.." - Part 1

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Based of a prompt I read online.

Takes place during TFATWS but doesn't really follow timeline. Also I haven't seen this show in so long if I get anything wrong with the Flag Smashers I'm sorry. :(

Warnings: Blood, bullets, sad fluff

The bullets ricocheted off the buildings and the streets, people screamed left and right, trying to get away from the attack. The Flag Smashers have started a shoot out in New York City, and you just happened to be in the middle of it.

You covered your head with your arms, running into a building to escape the bullets. You jumped through the blown-out window and threw yourself over a counter, hunkering down behind it. You pulled your phone out of your pocket, dialing your fiancé's number.

With your heart hammering in your ears, it rang three times before he finally picked up.

"Y/N?" Bucky's voice rang through the phone. "What's going on, doll? Kinda got a situation on my hands." You could hear wind rushing on his side of the line.

More bullets rained down in the street, you instantly covering your head. "Yeah about that. You don't happen to be dealing with the Flag Smasher's attack, are ya?" You spoke into the phone, still covering your head.

"Well yeah Sam am I are on our way- wait are those bullets? Doll please tell me you're not where I think you are." Bucky spoke into the phone, voice rising in panic.

You yelped a bit as more bullets were shot. "Sorry baby, don't think you're gonna be happy with my answer."

Bucky groaned on the other side of the line out of frustration, and started speaking again. "Y/N, get your ass out of there. But if you can't, get to cover."

"What do you think I've been doing, genius?"


You chuckled into the phone, trying to distract yourself from the problem at hand. All of a sudden the shooting went silent. "Hey Buck," you spoke, standing up from behind the counter, "I think they're gone-"

You were cut off by a loud bang, the explosion sending you flying backwards and hitting the wall with such force you fall into a crumpled heap on the floor. The last thing you heard was Bucky frantically yelling your name though the phone before everything went black.

Bucky's POV

"Y/N! Doll answer me, please!" Bucky yelled into he phone, completely forgetting Sam's com was still on. All of a sudden the line went dead, and Bucky shoved the device into his pocket, revving his motorcycle to rush to the scene quicker.

Sam looked down at Bucky from where he was flying. "What's going on?"

Bucky clicked his com, his face set in anger, no fury, and worry filling his mind. "Y/N. She was there. I was just talking with her when what I'm guessing is a bomb went off. We need to get there, now."

Sam and Bucky raced to the scene faster, the wind roaring in the two men's ears. Bucky could only pray you weren't where he though you were.

The two reached the area that was just bombed, Sam landing on the street and Bucky climbing off the motorbike. Medical was already there, treating the injured and looking for others.

Bucky rushed to one of the buildings, looking for you. Anytime he found someone, he quickly carried them over to the paramedics, letting them help the injured. He only found about 3 or 4 people, none of them you.

There was only one building left. It was across the street form where Bucky stood, and he rushed over to it. The building looked like it was about to cave in at any moment.

Bucky rushed in and called out your name, hoping, begging for a response. But none came. Suddenly Bucky's brain came up with a horrific thought. What if the Flag Smashers took her...or worse...She wasn't a-

No. Bucky couldn't allow himself to even finish that thought. But it did cause a few tears to form in his eyes, ones he didn't wipe away.

The glass crunched under Bucky's boots as he walked through the building, turning to look behind the counter.

What he saw broke his heart.

Bucky's doll, his fiancée, a crumpled heap on the floor. Blood was pouring from a wound on your side and your shoulder. Dust and debris were covering you, coating your face like snow in the winter.

Bucky could tell that you would need help. Lots. But what he couldn't see chilled him to the core. Bucky couldn't tell if you were breathing or not.

Bucky hesitated not a moment more and fell to his knees next to you, pulling you into his arms. He sat criss-cross, pulling you into his lap. Bucky brushed your hair and the dust away from your face, scanning your body for any signs of breathing.

Bucky felt tears well in his eyes, his heart starting to ache. "Doll...wake up...please. This isn't the end for us. Please...wake up doll." He whimpered, trying to keep his voice from breaking.

Bucky let the tears cascade down his face, still holding you tight in his arms. He started rocking you back and forth, scanning all over the features of your face.

Your POV

Your eyes fluttered open, your head throbbing like you just hit a wall. Hit a wall. Suddenly it all came back. The shooting, the call, the bomb, the pain. You started hyperventilating, frantically looking all around.

You felt your body being rocked, still thinking that bombs were going off. You suddenly felt liquid hit your face from above you. You looked up to see a sobbing Bucky holding you and rocking you. He must've been so scared and caught up in his panic to not feel your sudden hyperventilation.

You reached your hand up weakly to caress Bucky's face, startling him. Bucky's eyes opened and gazed down at you, a glassy eyed, tear and dust covered face. You gave him a soft smile, your hand still on his face.

"Y/N?" He whimpered, cupping your face with his flesh hand.

"Hello Bucky." You whispered, reaching both hand up to his face, brushing away the tears.

"Y/N...doll..." Bucky breathed, holding you impossibly closer. "You're alive."

You couldn't help but chuckle. "Of course I'm alive, Jay. I couldn't leave you. Not before we get married."

Bucky gave a teary chuckle, pressing kisses to the side of your face.

All of a sudden, more gunshots were heard farther down the street. You jumped and held onto Bucky's shirt, slightly shaking.

Bucky started rocking you, still pressing kisses to your forehead. "Shh...you're safe...I won't let you go..."

You nodded against his neck, still clinging to him. You heard faint noises coming from Bucky's ear, a noise that sounded like Sam.

Bucky pressed a finger to his ear and replied. "Yeah I heard the shots, Sam. I'll be over as soon as I can."

Bucky looked back down at you and stood up, still holding you tightly. He rushed over to what you guessed were paramedics based on the flashing lights.

"Please help her. She was in the explosion and only just woke up." Bucky spoke, his voice rumbling through his chest.

"Yes sir. Bring her right over here." A paramedic spoke, motioning Bucky over to a stretcher. Bucky carefully laid you down, yet you clung onto him like a koala.

Bucky pried your hands from his shirt, and stroked your face, trying to soothe you. "I'll be right back doll. Let them help you."

You nodded, knowing Bucky had to help Sam, even if all you wanted was for him to come with you.

Bucky kissed your forehead and ran off, leaving you with the nurse who was now wrapping your body with bandages.

You were loaded into an ambulance, and started driving away. You knew you would see your Bucky again, but for now, what you needed was sleep. And sleep is what you got.


PT 2 will be out soon

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