My Soldier

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Short but I like it (Words: 932)

6 months. 6 long months it's been since you last saw your boyfriend of two years, Bucky Barnes.

He was deployed with the Avengers unit for a two week mission, but after that went south, he and a few other SHIELD Agents were captured, only being found two months ago. No one allowed you or any of the other agents families to see their loved ones while they were getting back on their feet.

You heard from Steve that Bucky begged as much as you did with Fury to be reunited, but Fury made his decision. No one could see them until they were cleared.

So it's just been you, keeping yours and Bucky's shared apartment in Brooklyn tidy, counting down the days until he was released and flown back over.

And today was the day. Bucky was finally flying back over for the other side of the world.

You loaded into a taxi, your knee bouncing up and down in anticipation for the next few hours. Bucky was supposed to be arriving by SHIELD QuinJet at Stark Tower with the other agents that went with him.

The trip to the Tower was one of the shortest drives you've ever experienced. The driver pulled up and you payed, tipping him a fair amount. You walked into the building, shoes tapping a rhythmic pattern on the tiles.

The Avengers team was up ahead, talking among themselves. Steve turned to you when he heard you walking closer to you.

Steve flashed a smile your way, wrapping you in a hug. He pulled away and everyone gave you a smile and 'hellos'.

You returned their welcomes but your full attention was on Steve. "Steve? When is he getting here?" You questioned, looking up at the super soldier towering above you.

Steve smiled softly and placed a hand on your shoulder, leading you to the elevator. "Well,
Y/N, we were just informed that they arrived. As soon as you walked into the doors the plane landed." The blond responded, pressing the button for the landing pad.

You couldn't help the grin that was tugging at your lips, finally being told something after nothing was told to you, at all. "I'm surprised I didn't see the Quinjet land when I pulled up. I guess I was just lost in thought."

The elevator ride was filled with comfortable and nervous silence, only to be ended by the elevator dinging, signaling your arrival to the landing pad.

The doors opened and the sunlight streamed into the tiny box. Everyone walked out and onto the landing field, and were met with about a dozen agents milling about. As you looked around, you saw no signs of Bucky, which you tried not to let ruin your nervous and excited mood. You were informed today that Bucky had been hit the hardest, needed the most care and would still need more when he returned. You walked around the families and up to the Quinjet, and there was Fury, standing by the doors. The man turned and saw you, giving you a nod.

"Y/L/N, nice to see you. Barnes is still in the jet, and he should be out in a bit," Fury said, and he turned to Steve who had walked up with you and started talking with him. You felt another presence by your side and looked up to see Nat had put a hand on your shoulder, and gave you a reassuring smile. You smiled back and then heard a voice.

"Y/N?" You looked back at the aircraft and there he was. Bucky Barnes. A smile painted his face and he walked down the ramp. His flesh arm had fresh bandages on it, his left eye had a tinge of purple and he had a slight limp. But other than that, he seemed perfectly fine. Sure he may have more trauma added to his list but he was there. He was alive.

You left Nat and ran towards him. Bucky had reached the bottom of the ramp when you met him and you both had the biggest smiles on your faces, and you both had tears in your eyes. You ran into Bucky's outstretched arms, which he gladly wrapped around you and placed his head in the crook of your neck. You wrapped one of your arms around his waist and the other you reached up and placed your hand behind his head. The two of you stood there for a bit, silently crying happy and sad tears while holding each other impossibly close.

Bucky lifted his head up and gazed down at you, his blue eyes sparkling with tears. Bucky gave you a grin and kissed your lips, which you gladly returned it. The two of you stayed like that for  a moment before parting and just looking each other. Bucky gave his signature grin and pulled out of the hug, but wrapping his metal arm around your waist and walking towards the rest of the team that came with you.. Bucky held you close and you could tell he was slightly limping and putting some of his weight on you. 

Bucky was home. Yes, he would need help. He would need time to heal, both mentally and physically, but that didn't matter at that moment. All that matter right then and there was that Bucky was in your arms again, that he was back on US soil, and he was alive. You pecked his check with a kiss and you smiled, letting the moment sink in. 

Your soldier had come home.

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