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Based off a daydream of mine

Not my absolute favorite

Very short story

Steve, Sam, and Natasha walked through the doors of Avengers Tower after running around the city, retreating from the rain. They were all conversing and bickering back and forth, walking into the lounge. The rain splattered against the windows, causing the New York City night sky lights to give a blurry cast on the room.

Steve walked into the room and stopped the two in their tracks, silencing them with a wave of his hand. Nat ran into his back and looked at the super soldier in annoyance. "What was that for?"

"Shh! Look. By the window," Steve whispered, walking out of the way of the duo. Their eyes looked over at the couch by the giant windows. You and Bucky were curled up together sleeping, your back pressed against his chest, and your legs tangled together. Bucky's metal arm rested over your waist protectively, his head buried in your hair. Your head was resting on your arm, which was stretched out and slightly hanging over the edge of the couch. Bucky's normal arm was mirroring yours and your fingers were intertwined together.

A thin blanket was draped across you two, the hazy city lights casting onto your bodies. A grin broke out on Nat's face and a little "aww" sounded from her. Sam's smirk appeared and he whispered to Steve, "Even after a year of dating, Y/N still has no idea what she has done to that man."

Steve chuckled and crossed his arms over his chest, looking at his best friend. "I've never seen him this relaxed or happy before, not even in the 40's. She's helped him so much, and so has he towards her, and they don't even know it." Sam nodded and left the room, Nat following not long after. Steve, by some miracle, managed to snap a picture for you and Bucky and left, smiling and feeling happy for his best friend.

After a few moments Bucky stirred, cuddling closer to you. You smiled and unknowingly reached over to kiss his jaw, and settled back in. Bucky murmured something incoherently has he pulled you tighter against himself. The two of you slept the rest of the night away in each other's arms, resting in the peace after the chaos.


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