Similarities and Differences - Part 2

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Time has passed, 5 months to be exact. You and Bucky Barnes have become inseparable, very close friends. Even Sam and Steve have gotten a little jealous, loosing their best friend to a fellow amputee. But they were happy for the two of you, how you two opened up to each other so easily.

Bucky Barnes and Y/N Y/L/N, the Dream Team. Every mission you went on was completed in record time, and little to no bumps in the road. One of your favorite mission moments-and a bit of a cliché one-was in Peru, when you, Bucky, Sam, and Steve had one goal; search and terminate. A past Hydra member was trying to bring back the organization in the South American country, and The Avengers were not about to let that happen.

"Sam, we'll take the south side. Y/L/N, Barnes, you'll take the north," Steve commanded, motioning to the right and left. The three of you nodded, turning towards the direction you needed to take.

"Oh and Y/N, Buck," you two turned around to face Steve. "These agents are gonna be pretty tough to get through. So it might be best to arm yourselves." Steve looked at you two with the stupidest grin in the world, and you just chuckled. Sam's face was blank for a moment but then erupted into slight giggles. He took off towards the sky, leaving you and Bucky with the asshole who thinks he's funny.

"Wow," Bucky exclaimed, sarcasm literally dripping from the word. He rolled his eyes and took off, a faint smile on his face. You laughed and followed him, giving a thumbs up to Steve as you ran off.

"Good job, Rogers!"

The mission went very well, as usual, and the joke seemed to stick, you two and your friends throwing the joke in once and a while during conversations.

You and Bucky sat in the living room doing your thing, when you heard pots and pans crash in the kitchen. "Y/N! Barnes! Can you give me a hand?" Scott called out, struggling with making his tacos. You two looked at each other from across the room and smirked. You rolled your T-shirt sleeve up and pressed your thumb to the tiny touch pad on your shoulder.

You two persuaded Tony to make your arm removable, but to only you. He agreed and made it to where your thumb print could make the arm detach at anytime.

Your metal arms fell with a soft thud, making you lean slightly to the right. Very much a change in weight.

Bucky mouthed a count down and at 1, you chucked the arms into the kitchen. A scream and a crash sounded in the kitchen. You and Bucky busted out laughing, hearing Scott's slightly sarcastic laugh. He walked in and gave you back your arms, which you reattached them.

"Very funny. But seriously I need help. There's a small fire now."

Coming back to the past, you sat in Natasha's room, sharing a conversation and cups of tea and coffee.

"So," Nat started, placing her coffee down and sporting a smirk. You rolled your eyes and sat your own mug down.

"Oh no, I know that smirk. What do you assume now?" You chucked, leaning back in the office chair.

"How are you and Barnes? I know you like him, there's no denying it. It's obvious," Nat smirked, staring at you. You coughed awkwardly and looked out the window, shanking your head.

"No I don't like him. Ow! Natasha Ro-" Nat kicked your leg and you looked at her. She wore the 'I-can-get-information-out-of-anyone-with-this-look' look. You sighed and picked your mug up, bringing it to your lips. You mumbled something into your mug, and Natasha cupped a hand around her ear.

"What was that? Sorry, I couldn't hear it. Say it again in my good ear."

"Maybe I do like Bucky! He's so sweet and caring and charming and, very good looking. He's got the cutest grin and the most dazzling of eyes. He's strong and athletic and-" Your rambling was cut off by Nat placing a finger on your lips.

"Okay okay I get it! You like the guy, fell head over heels for him. You two are really cute together," Nat pulled her hand away and leaned back in her chair as your face became red with embarrassment.

"He probably doesn't even like me back. Bucky compared to me? 11 out of 10 for the guy, 2 out 10 for me," you grumbled, crossing your arms with a huff. Natasha laughed at you and stood up, stretching out her hands for you to take.

"Don't talk about yourself that way. You're an 11 out of 10, no doubt. And I can tell Bucky likes you back. It's pretty obvious between the two of you."

"You really think so?"

Oh believe me, sister," Nat laughed, opening her door and leading the two of you out to the hallway. "I know so."

You hummed a response and saw something fly around the corner but just ignored it. You walked to the kitchen and placed your now empty mugs in the sink, and sat in the living room. After a while Steve and Sam walked in, appearing to be dragging a worried Bucky Barnes.

Sam walked up to Natasha and whispered something to her. She broke into a grin and winked at you, walking out of the room with Steve and Sam. Bucky stood in the doorway, very tense and nervous looking. He had his flesh hand behind his back, keeping it from view. You stood up and walked over to him, reaching out your metal hand for him to take.

"What's wrong, Buck? You look really nervous," you spoke, hand still outstretched. Bucky hesitantly took it, still very tense. He normally was never nervous to be close to you or hold your hand. You two just had a bond like that.

"Me?" Bucky questioned as you led him to the couch and sat down. "Oh no I'm fine. Just great, awesome," he stumbled over his words, taking his hand out of yours, and keeping his right hand out of view behind his back.

Your brows furrowed and you looked at him, mesmerized by his icy blue eyes. "You're not telling me something. What's going on?" You questioned, wondering if you should grab his hand again.

Bucky looked out the window and then back at you, a small chuckle leaving his lips. "I used to be better at this," he took a deep breath and brought his right hand from behind his back, a few roses in hand. You mentally gasped and smiled, a slight blush painting your face. "Y/N, would you like to go out with me?" Bucky handed you the roses, a sheepish look on his face.

You took the roses and admired them, grinning. "I'd love to, James. What time? And when did you get the roses?" Bucky instantly gained confidence at your answer and sat up a bit straighter. A giggle left your mouth as you looked at the adorable person in front of you.

"Steve suggested it," Bucky shrugged it off, building his confidence. "How about I take you out to dinner tonight. Does 7 work?" He asked, the confident grin you loved so much. You nodded your head and stood up, Bucky mirroring your actions.

"That works just fine. See you at 7," you started to leave when Bucky caught your arm and pulled you back in front of him.

"Sam may or may not have told me what you said about me to Natasha-that's why I got the roses. Was all of that true?" Your eyes widened in shock and a blush blossomed over your face.

"I- uh-Yeah. I meant all of it," you said with a laugh. "So that was Sam running around the corner earlier." Bucky chuckled and gazed a loving look towards you.

"And you, Y/N, are so beautiful, and kind, and sweet, and-" you cut Bucky off with a kiss to the cheek, causing his own blush to show.

"Save it for the date, Barnes. Impress me!" you chuckled, walking away.

"You know I will, doll."

Long story short, the date went very very well, end result being Bucky's first kiss in 70 years. Oh how you loved that date and kiss, cherishing every moment. You two could tell many dates were to come in the future, neither of you arguing against it.

Things were really looking up for James Buchanan Barnes.

Arrrghh I could've done so much better with this one

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