Book Store Bucky

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You walked down the streets of Brooklyn, your dress' hem brushing below your knees with every step. The afternoon sun shined down as you turned the corner, squinting your e/c eyes slightly. You looked around, trying to find your favorite bookstore, when you ran into a strong form. You stepped back, slightly embarrassed. Your eyes flicked up to the face of the body that you ran into, and were met with a worried smile.

"You alright, ma'am?" the man asked, bringing his hand out as if to cautiously check on you. You nodded, picking up your purse that you happened to drop.

"I'm alright, thank you. I'm very sorry for running into you," you said, looking up at the man. He had chestnut brown hair cut army-style short, a very attractive face, and blue eyes that reminded you of the water of Niagara Falls, where you visited five years prior with your family. But his eyes were much prettier than those waterfalls, and you would be more than happy to drown in them.

You realized you were staring and you cleared your throat, brushing of non-existent dirt off your dress. You looked around, trying to look anywhere but the man. He just laughed and your attention was drawn back to him, color rising in your cheeks. "It's alright. Thank you for running into me, because now I get a better look at this beautiful woman standing in front of me. And what might be the name of her?" he questioned, hands in his pockets. He grinned, a bright and shinning smile that just brightened your mood.

But his words caused you to blush harder and your tried your best to push it down. Gathering up all of your confidence, you composed yourself and answered his question. "Y/N. And you might be?"

"James Buchanan Barnes, at your service. But you can call me Bucky," Bucky said, reaching out for your hand and bringing it to his face, placing a light kiss on your knuckles. You smiled, bringing your hand back.

"Bucky Barnes? I've heard of you. My friend Sarah had a date with you 2 months ago, I believe."  Bucky nodded and looked ready to respond, but caught sight of something behind you and frowned. He looked back at you, a small sadness in his face. 

"Excuse me, Y/N, I hate to leave you here, but I think a friend of mine needs help. Where are you going, an perhaps I can meet you there?"

You nodded your head, pointing two buildings up the street. "I was on my way to Emma's Book Store. You can meet me there." Bucky smiled and nodded, running off and leaving you slightly confused. "What just happened?" you questioned yourself aloud, standing in the middle of the sidewalk for a moment. You shook your head and walked on, doubting Bucky would come back.

He's the city's number one flirt. He wouldn't come back. Even if he did, he would just leave me on my doorstep like he did with Sarah, and every other girl he takes out.

You continued walking and stepped into the book store, the little chime on the door alerting Emma of your arrival. An elderly woman behind a shelf appeared, and smiled. "Y/N! Welcome back! It's been a while between your regular visits!"

You nodded and picked up a book on the counter titled The Hobbit, flipping through the pages. "I had to get another paycheck in, ma'am. I may have gone over budget last time," you laughed, keeping the book in your grasp. The woman walked towards you, and you stuck out the book. "Do you know if this one is any good?"

Emma adjusted her glasses that rested on the end of her nose and inspected the cover. "The Hobbit? Oh yes it's very good, so says my grandson. It's not very popular right now, but I have a feeling it will gain popularity in the coming years," she said, walking behind the counter. "Will that be all or would you like to browse through?"

You shook your head, looking at the green cover. A mountain range laced over the top of the book, and a long, black dragon spiraled across the bottom. "I'm waiting for a...friend to get here. I don't know how long he will take," you murmured, looking out the shop windows at the people walking past. 

The older woman raised a grey eyebrow, and you chuckled. "Oh no, not like that. It's Bucky Barnes. You might  have heard of him, flirt of the city."

Emma grinned and nodded, rushing in the back room, her voice carrying into the store area. "James! Oh, he is one of my best fantasy and science fiction buyers! It's been an eon since he's came in," Emma walked back in, a second copy of the book you were holding in her frail hand's grasp. "I've had this kept in the back for him for about 3 months now, waiting for James to come in. I guess he's been too busy taking lovely women out to the dance floor like you've said, yeah?" Emma placed the book on the wooden counter, and you turned, heading straight for your favorite section of the bookstore. 

After a little less than 10 minutes, when you were starting to give up hope, the bell rang again. "James! So nice to see you again, dear!" chirped Emma at the front of the store, and you grinned. He came. You walked to the front of the store, and there stood Bucky, a bit scuffed up with dirt, but that same smile from earlier still there. 

"Bucky! What happened!" you exclaimed, rushing forward and setting your books down, the number now at 4. You reached up and brushed the dirt away from his shoulders. Bucky laughed and lightly placed his hands around your wrists, stopping your attempts at cleaning him off.

"Doll, I've had much worse. That friend I told you about, Steve, did get himself into a bit of trouble, and of course, I, the great Bucky Barnes, had to save his sorry ass," Bucky joked, bringing both of your hands down. You rolled your eyes and pulled your hands back and grabbed your purse.

"Be more careful. And tell that to that Steve kid as well," you grumbled, taking out the 10 dollars needed for the 4 books. Emma laughed, causing you and Bucky to look at her.

"You two remind me of David and I when we were young. You two seem to be a good match," she winked at the two of you, causing you to go red. You pushed away the blush and placed the money on the counter, Emma and Bucky raising an eyebrow.

"10 dollars? Are you sure you're staying under budget this time?" Emma questioned, and Bucky placed a few dollars on the wood.

"I'll cover it. Don't worry, Y/N," he said as you started to protest. After a small discussion, Bucky payed for 3 of the books and you payed the remaining 2.50 dollars. He caught sight of The Hobbit, and broke out into a grin. "The Hobbit? I've been waiting to get a chance to pop in and grab a copy of it. You don't happen to have another, do ya Mrs. Emma?" 

Emma nodded and pulled said copy from below the counter, placing it in front of the man. "At least let me pay for this one," you spoke, looking up at the brunet. After another bit of persuasion, Bucky reluctantly agreed and you payed, leaving a happy Emma in her bookstore. 

You both walked down the sidewalk, books in hand. "I have been waiting forever to get a chance to read this, so thank you for running into me today," Bucky said, as you reached your apartment building. Bucky insisted he walked you home, and you agreed instantly. 

You raised an eyebrow, walking into the lobby. "Is that the only reason why?" Bucky looked at you and shook his head. 

"Not at all, doll. As I said earlier today, it gave me a chance to meet a beautiful dame. And I would love to take her out this Friday evening," Bucky grinned, and your reached your apartment. You blushed and cleared your throat, looking at the man's sparkling blue eyes.

"I think she would love to, Bucky," you said, pulling out your keys. Bucky grinned and bent down, placing a kiss on your cheek.

"See you Friday night, Y/N! 8 o'clock, right here!" Bucky called out eagerly, nearing the end of the hall as he walked away. You nodded, still comprehending what in the world had just happened.

 A date coming up with James Buchanan Barnes, that's for sure. Hopefully it would end happily and maybe, just maybe, it would result in more to come.

Spoiler, it did, resulting with many, many jealous women in New York City.

And a ring. 


Sorta rushed, apologies

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