Snow Day

873 26 49

y/i = your initial

This is really short but I wanted to get it out before the winter season was over. It gets sloppy and crappy at the end. Cute idea but I don't think I executed it correctly. Sorry

Words: 550

Taking a deep inhale, you opened your eyes and stretched. A peaceful and snowy Saturday at Avengers Compound was just what you needed. But one thing was out of place. Looking over, you discovered that your boyfriend was missing from his spot beside you.

At that moment, the sounds of your phone buzzing on your nightstand drew your attention away. You read the Caller ID and smiled, hoping to discover where Bucky managed to run off to. Probably burying Sam in a snow bank.

When you answered, his cheerful greeting couldn't help but widen your smile.

"Wakey, wakey, doll!" Bucky cheered, his voice filling your ear. "C'mon, Y/N, get up! I have a surprise for you."

"Bucky? Why aren't you in bed? It's cold without you."

"As sweet as that is, go to the window to find out! And hurry up, it's freezing out here!" Bucky responded and you could hear his teeth chatter through his words. You turned around in bed and looked out the window above your bed, seeing nothing but snow and trees and cars outside.

"I don't see anything."

"Other window, Y/N."

"Oh," you mumbled, throwing off the covers and running up to the other window in the bedroom. Bucky laughed as you grumbled, wiping the condensation build-up off the glass. "Now what was it that you wanted to show me?"

Looking down at the ground two stories below, you found what looked like a wobbly and slightly rotated candy cane of footprints with a smaller Bucky standing at the bottom of it. When he saw your silhouette in the window, he couldn't help but grin and wave massively up at you.

"Hi, doll! Okay, hang on, lemme show you this." You could practically hear and feel Bucky's smile through the phone. He began moving through the snow, placing each step carefully in front of the other. When he finished and looked back up at you, your heart melted.

A giant heart of crooked footprints was carved out of the snow on the ground just for you. And a very happy Bucky stood at the dip at the top. "Oh James, it's beau-"

"Wait!, " he interupeted. "I forgot something." Bucky jumped about two feet diagonaly to the left of where he stood, and quickly "carved" out a "B" in the snow. He jumped another two feet, made a "+," and jumped once more before a(n) y/i was in place in the white power.

Outside your window, on a cold and lazy Saturday, your sweet-as-can-be boyfriend stood in the snow beside a "B + y/i" inside a heart. Your heart melted into a pile of mush onto the carpeted floor.

"Bucky that's so sweet. Why did you...?" You trailed off.

"Only the best for my best girl," Bucky murmured, causing your heart to burst at the seams.

You blushed at his words and started breaking it for the door. "Get your ass in here so I can kiss you."

"Don't have to tell me twice."

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