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Hello, my loves!

I would love to apologize. I left with no word to anyone and provided no update in eight months. I'm sorry. But I will give a life update!

So, for those of you who don't know, I am a high schooler and it is ROUGH out here, okay? Like, the DRAMA that has gone down at my school that I will not put out but DAMN it is BADDDDDDD. But I am greatly enjoying it. I am beginning to figure out wtf I want to do with my life and I am looking into physical therapy, whoop whoop. I'm hoping to make the varsity tennis team and continue doing color guard and not get my car taken away again lol.

BUT HERE IS THE BEST PART. Not to be biased or anything, but I have the world's BEST boyfriend, okay? He is my first bf and I love him with all my heart. I know I'm new to this dating thing but everyone who's seen us together knows that we will stick it out for the long run. He just makes my heart so happy and he makes me laugh so much and he makes me feel like the only girl he has ever and will ever love. I love my baby so much, I really miss him right now as I'm writing this, my parents are pretty strict about us right now :/

But besides all that, I'm truly sorry for this, but this might be the end of our journey. I love each and every one of you so much and I will pray for all of you and that you have the best days ever that follow this one. I will not be deleting my account or books, but I will not be writing anymore. I MIGHT randomly publish one, but 1) it's not something I enjoy that much anymore and 2) now that I have my bf, it's a bit weird to me to write about a fake 108-year-old man. I'm sorry, but I will try to get one more sometime in the future before I graduate.

I will never forget the support you have given me since day one, and I will always be praying for you and I will always love you guys.

As hard as this is to say, goodbye, I love you all 3000 <3

This is also posted on my main page, and I will try to get an update in the near future. Bye-bye :)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22 ⏰

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