Wait for me, daddy - Part 3

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Okay I'm mad for 3 reasons:

1. I'm sick, or I was and that's why I didn't update


And 3. So i tried to choose a popular boys name in the 1930's for Liam, right? Guess what?! That name isn't evEN TOP 100. SO I MESSED THAT UP. I SHOULD'VE GONE WITH WILLIAM. YOU KNOW WHAT? WE WILL. LIAM IS SHORT FOR WILLIAM. I even edited part one for that so ha.

Also shout out to Dreamscapes on Spotify. Absolutely love their uploads. You should check them out, especially if you love 40's Barnes <333

anyway love ya

Words: 1725


To Liam and my Y/N,

    Training is complete, so that means a few things. First off, I'm exhausted after these 16 weeks of basic training. My body aches-my left arm is KILLING me, my brain is mentally exhausted, and I've, sort of, gotten used to the lack of food. Boy, do I miss your cooking, doll. But not as much as I miss you, both of you. There's so much I miss and so much I want to say, but I can't. And I'm sorry for that. Second, I'll be heading out soon to the battlefields so chances are, letters will be less and less. I'll try to  write as much as I possibly can, even if they are only 10 words. I love you guys.

     Liam, you ready for me to fight the bad guys? I'm not, but I'll do it, just for you. Take care of your  Momma and Steve for me, I know you got this. You've been the man of the house, and you will need to be, but only for a little longer. I miss you and love you, William.

    Y/N, my doll, my love, my light. Oh how I miss you. I can not even begin to explain how much I miss you. I miss seeing your beautiful smile everyday, I miss holding you close and I miss the nights we would dance our troubles away. I don't think that will work anymore though, doll. I miss you so much and I love you. Please don't worry about me, even though I know you will with how stubborn you are. Just worry about  yourself and Liam. I'll win this war all by myself if I have to, just so I can see you two again. And I will. I promise.

I love you guys so much, I'll be home before you know it.


You read over the letter again and again, and your were worried sick for your Bucky. What if he's captured? What if he never returns? What if he gets captured AND experimented on? I mean Steve went from a 5'4 stick to a 6 foot, freaking jacked Captain America literally over night. Anything could happen.

Now Liam, on the other hand, was a bit more happier than you thought. Sure, after explaining to him what his father is going to go through, and once he realized Bucky was going to be gone for a while, his enthusiasm for his dad being a "superhero" died down. Sometimes Liam would walk into your bedroom in the middle of the night, asking for Bucky. But overall, he was in a bit of a better state than you.

A light shake and someone softly calling your name startled you awake. You blinked your eyes to adjust to the darkness and was met face-to-face with your son, who held his worn down with love bear in his arms. "Momma?" You could see faint tears traveling down his face.

You sat up and pulled him onto the bed, holding him in your arms. "What's wrong, baby? Why are you crying?"

Liam sniffled and hugged you back, curling up in you lap. "I had a bad dream. Where's daddy? He helps me after bad dreams." You hugged your boy closer, rubbing your hand up and down his back.

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