Late Night Comforts

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This was that quote that I posted a message about a bit ago. I can't find the quote anymore but it was something about Bucky talking about how his nightmares affect him. (Comic Bucky I think)

I know I've written nightmare ones before, but they are crap so yay redos.


WARNINGS CUZ SHIT IS ABOUT TO GO DOWN>>>>>>Dismembered bodies, horrific destruction of people and places, mentions of vomiting and blood<<<<<<PLEASE DO NOT READ IF ANY OF THIS EFFECTS YOU IN ANY WAY. PLEASE TAKE THIS WARNING VERY SERIOUSLY IT GETS BAD

Another Love slaps with this

You're gonna get some emotions out of this

Thanks @Caps_Mighty_Shield ily

Words: 2800


Standing in the wreckage, the Winter Soldier looked out upon the screams and explosions that cascaded and overwhelmed what once was New York City. The roughly 300 square miles that sparked freedom for so many people for over 200 years and stood triumphant over numerous trials, was now a heap of rubble. 8,000,000 people, dead.

The Soldier marched along the glass, concrete, and blood-covered streets, the destruction growing more and more intense. He felt no regret, no desire to help; nothing. No memory was present of why or how this horror began, but all he knew was that he had to be done.

With each step, the screams grew louder, the wails rose in pitch, and the landscape grew from horrible to horrific.

Buildings had collapsed into each other, as if they were trying to lift the others back towards the sky while smoke twirling out of them. The streets were like hills and valleys to navigate, with concrete, trash, cars, people, and other objects obstructing one's path. The sky, which was a pristine pastel blue that morning, was now grey and clouded with smog. Clothes, furniture, children's toys, books, computers, flowers, birthday cards, sheet music- things that once brought people joy, were now burnt or crushed or shoved into the dirt; just like their owners.

Faint gunshots echoed across the landscape for a moment before fading away.

Along the roads, he saw a single hand sticking out of the rubble missing two fingers. Then a shoe that was blown off with the shin and foot still attached. Later there was a body sliced right in two with the pieces that once gave that person life littered around.

The Winter Soldier's ears caught the sound of a young boy crying for help, his sobs breaking anyone's heart. But the Soldier wasn't affected. His only concern was to destroy, not deliver.

He walked to the now-whimpering boy, pulled out his pistol and fired.

The bullet went right through the boy's forehead, a trail of blood painting down towards his nose from the hole in his face.

The Soldier nodded, satisfied with the next step towards peace, and continued on.

As he got to the city's center, he began to feel tingly. A feeling he hasn't felt in a very long time making an entrance.

The Winter Soldier felt a pull deep in his chest to turn down a certain street, and he quickly headed in that direction. As his mind began to catch up with his running feet, pieces fell into place.

"Where is she? Where is she? Where is she?" he found his mind repeating without his permission. "Who is she?"

The Soldier skidded to a stop in front of what once was a little bookstore. Its windows were blown out, and the shelves and books were charred and thrown askew. He stumbled around outside, looking at all the piles of rubble with desperation and longing in his stone-blue eyes. Once he caught glimpse of a feminine-looking hand sticking out of one of the piles closest to the entrance to the store, the Soldier ran over, trying not to trip, and began tearing away at the rocks.

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