Wedding Night Worries

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I'm back. Ever regret posting something? Yeah I regret posting the last author's note. It's been like 10 days and I'm back. Gonna delete it but updates are going to be so spaced out.

Scrolling through my ideas, landed on this one

Words: 1615

Based off of New Girl episode The Apartment (Season 5, Episode 11)


"Y/N, what's the matter? Why are you calling me at three in the morning?" Natasha's groggy voice filtered through your phone. You paced in the living room of your apartment with disheveled hair, calling one of your best friends.

"I need you to come over. Like right now, Tasha."

"You know I- are you pregnant, Y/N?" She finished in a whisper.

"What- no! Natasha I'm not pregnant! Just, get over here. Please."

Natasha sighed softly and finally agreed. You smiled as you thanked her and hung up, trotting off to the kitchen.

She didn't live too far away from your apartment, so when the tea you made for the two of you was done, she walked in at the perfect time. You handed her a mug and led her to your cozy living room. You pulled yourselves into your softest blankets and warmed your hands with your mugs.

"What has my dearest Y/N have for me that requests that I come late at night?" Nat smiled, a light yawn shining through. "Because I have a feeling about what it might be."

You nodded your head and drank your tea. "You're probably right."

"It's about tomorrow, or now, today, huh?" the redhead asked, all sarcasm leaving her voice and sincerity taking its place. You nodded your head and Natasha looked at you sympathetically. "Aw, hun. Everyone's nervous the night before their big day! So tell me, what's going on? Are you nervous you're gonna mess up your vows? Or that the decorations aren't correct? Because I assure you, it's all under control."

You shook your head no. "No it's not that stuff. I know that's all under control." You smiled and stood up, grabbing a box of papers you still had to complete. "And since you've got it all under control, I'm gonna tackle some work I haven't gotten to yet," you said, trying to change the subject.

When you were stressed, you had many different ways of coping. Good and bad ways. One of the bad ones was crowding yourself with more work and working your troubles and stresses away. And that act typically came on stage once it was past 1am. And Mr James Buchanan Barnes was always there to take away that stress, throw the papers across the room, and help you fall asleep.

Tonight, Bucky being there wasn't an option. At least to wedding traditions it wasn't.

You drove your hand down between the couch cushions and grabbed the black pen that you were using 2 hours ago and started writing. Before you got one section down, Natasha snatched the papers from your grasp and threw them across the room. Step 2 of 3 done.

"Y/N, you would never call me over on a night like this just for company, or I don't think you would. You would've had me stay the night. Which I am now, by the way. Anyway, unless those are very last minute wedding plans, I think those can be set aside." Nat grabbed your hands. "Babe, I can tell something's really bothering you about this. And not the wedding plans or vows or anything. You haven't even told me what the problem is. You've just been shoving it off to the side."

Natasha Romanoff. Could read anyone at any time like a book, especially you. It always made stuff like this difficult because then you had to confess what was truly going on. Your eyes looked away from hers and landed on a picture on your coffee table. Grinning faces of you and your now fiancé at the beach looked back at you. The picture of Bucky looking so happy and getting to see him that happy (hopefully) again tomorrow gave you the confidence you needed to confess. You sighed deeply, hot tears forming in your eyes.

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