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Short and Sweet

I don't like the title so :p


You ran around your apartment, finishing up any house chores you have not yet gotten to. It was late, around 10 o'clock, and to say you were exhausted was an understatement. It might have not been as late as you felt it should be, but today whipped your butt. Too much work and stress with too little time. If you stopped moving you were sure you would collapse. Piles of work and papers were stacked on the small kitchen island, threatening to fall over at any given moment. As much as you thought you should get those problems completed, you left them be for tomorrow. And that was why you decided to finish all the housework still left to do. So your future self didn't have to worry about all of it tomorrow. Dishes, laundry, and one or two bills were knocked off your list.

But that was only the surface of your worries. Your husband, Bucky Barnes, had yet to return home for the evening. Working along side Sam, you were sure he would get tied up with an issue more often than you would like, but this time was different. It's been two days since you've heard from him. Bucky would always shoot you a text when he was gone on missions or going to be out later for the day than normal just to let you know he was alright, but nothing has shown up.

You knew he was okay, and he probably couldn't contact you for the precaution of not being tracked. At least that's what you forced yourself to believe. "He's alright, he's got Sam," you muttered to yourself over and over again. You finally finished placing the last piece of clothing in it's place and you breathed out a deep sigh. Taking your quickest shower yet and slipping into your pajamas, you crawled under the slightly chilly sheets that lacked your husband's familiar warmth. His scent faintly lingered on his pillow, which you quickly buried your face into.

After laying there for a moment or two, you felt a tear slip down your cheek. Too tired to wipe it away, you lay there, snuggled into Bucky's pillow and repeating three words over and over to yourself in your mind until sleep took hold of your body.

"He'll be okay."


The faint tickle of something on your forehead was what woke you up. You felt like you've only been asleep for only a few minutes. Stretching and glancing at your clock, that seemed to be the case. Opening your eyes wider and glancing to the side of your bed, your eyes were met with a crouched figure. You didn't know why you weren't too freaked out, possibly lack of sleep. Your eyes adjusted to the dark light and you started to take in their features. Short cut hair, sharp as a knife jawline, piercing blue eyes and a shining arm. Bucky.

You shot up and wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him close and inhaling his scent. Bucky fell slightly backwards but steadied himself, letting out a chuckle. He brought his hands around your torso and pulled you close to him, still laying under the covers, and placing a kiss on top of your head. After a moment you pulled back and gazed up at him, admiring each and every bit of his face. Bucky smiled and pressed a kiss to your lips, to which you returned with no hesitation.

Bucky removed his lips from yours, placing them on your forehead once more and letting them rest there. He pulled back and gazed at you, a smile gracing his pale pink lips. "Hey, doll," he whispered, a small tear tracking down his face. You brought your right hand up and wiped the tear away, cupping his face.

"You're home. You're home, James." You could hardly believe it, he was home and safe after no word. 3 days into the mission and nothing else to be heard from the man in front of you. "After hearing nothing, you're home and safe." Bucky's face fell and he looked down ashamed. You thought you should be mad, but by how he acted, you could tell he had a genuine explanation and felt horrible about the whole thing.

"I'm so sorry, Y/N. I wanted to call you so so bad, but we had a scare when they started tracking our phones and attacked. I'm alright, I promise, but the phone's sure aren't," Bucky let out a small laugh. "We had to destroy them. Smashed to pieces." You smiled towards your husband and pecked his lips again.

"We can buy you a new one. Just go shower and come to bed. I've missed you."

Bucky nodded and stood up, reluctantly letting go of your form. "I've already showered, I did that before I woke you up. I didn't try to wake you, I swear. I didn't want to. You looked so relaxed," Bucky spoke, walking around to the other side of the bed.

You smiled as he crawled in beside you. filling the empty space. He pulled you close and wrapped his arms around you as you spoke. "Well it's fine by me. I got to see you again." Bucky responded by kissing your cheeks, then forehead, then the tip of your nose, and lastly, a soft and sweet kiss to the lips. He pulled away and rested your foreheads together, soaking in the moment.

"Goodnight, Y/N."

"Goodnight, James. I love you."

"Love you too."

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