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Based of off an OneShot I read (I totally forgot who wrote it but it was Tom Hiddleston and a bit different)-complete credit to them

Words: 907


The sun peaked through the windows, casting a warm glow throughout the room. Bucky felt you shift in his arms, and his eyes opened. His blue eyes drifted down to your sleeping form, your face relaxed in peace. You looked like an absolute goddess to him, how your lips were slightly parted as you slept, how your hair fanned out behind you and, what stumped him every time, how you managed to fall in love with him and how he managed to get a ring on your finger, and call you his wife.

After a few moments your own eyes opened and shined up at his blue ones, and the two of you burst into smiles. "Morning, doll," Bucky murmured, pressing a kiss to your lips. You smiled into the kiss, and pulled away. Bucky's own lips started to follow yours, wanting the kiss to continue. You let out a giggle and rolled out of bed, walking towards the bathroom that connected to the bedroom. Bucky groaned a "Come back, Y/N," which caused you to giggle again.

You started getting ready for the day and glanced at the time 7:26, realizing Bucky had slept in far too long. "Bucky, get up. You got that meeting this morning, remember?" Bucky just groaned again and you walked out of the bathroom, finding Bucky tangled in the sheets and the pillow over his head. You sighed as you walked up to your closet, looking back at Bucky.

"Seriously, Bucky, you gotta get up."


God, why is he so stubborn?

You chose your clothes and took them off hangers and slipped into the bathroom to change. As you walked back out, you let out another sigh. Bucky had fallen back asleep. It was like getting a kid up for school with him. You walked over to his side of the bed and knelt down next to Bucky's sleeping body. "C'mon, Jay, get up. Please?" Your third pointless and weak attempt to get your husband up failed, your point proven by Bucky turning away from you and throwing another "no" your way.

You pondered ideas for a moment when it clicked. You stood up and walked towards the mirror, putting finishing touches on for the day. "Hey Bucky?"

"What?" he groaned, turning towards you. His long tasseled hair flopped into his face, and he blew it away with an eye roll.

"Here's my idea for today. I have two huge meetings today, and work to catch up on. You, love, have a meeting in an hour to get to, training or something, and whatever else you got planned. But I might add something else to that agenda," you smiled and turned around, walking to the bed.

"And what might that be, my dear?" Bucky sat up as you took as seat on the foot of the bed. You placed your hands in your lap, smile turning into a smirk.

"Oh I don't know," you looked at the white ceiling and back down at your husband. "Just something later tonight...That my husband has wanted to do for a long time...Something that involves the two of us...and this bed...and no clothes."

Bucky's eyes widened with a spark of lust and he shot up out of the bed. You laughed as he sprinted to the bathroom, cleaned himself up and got dressed in record time. "What's the rush, Bucky?"

Bucky ran up to you and grabbed your hands pulling you up from the bed. He wore a small smirk with a fire of desire in his blue eyes. "Well Y/N, my dearest, the sooner I get to the meeting, the sooner I get done with it. Which means the sooner I get to the Headquarters, the sooner I get everything done there. And that means," he spun you both around, placing an around around your back and dipping you. "That means I can get home sooner, and the sooner I get home we get to have s-"

"Okay I get it!" You cut him off with a light kiss, still dipped. "Now I know how to get you up in the morning."

Bucky brought you back up and wrapped both arms around your waist. "Tomorrow might be harder for the both of us to get up in the morning," he said suggestively. You felt your cheeks redden. You gave a small laugh as you made your way out of his arms.

"I'll be as quick as I can at work today." You gave a small kiss to his cheek and left the bedroom.

Bucky quickly raced after you as you got to the door. "What! That's all I get? A peck on the cheek?" he exclaimed. You stopped with your hand on the front door nob and turned around.

"Yeah, it is! I'm saving it for tonight," you winked, opening the door. "Kay, I love you, bye!" You rushed out the door, just as eager as Bucky to get all of your stuff done.

Bucky stood there in the foyer, but quickly composed himself and rushed back to your room to get dressed. He grabbed his jacket and smirked, talking to no one but himself; "Она понятия не имеет, во что ввязалась" (She's got no idea of what she's got herself into)


Figured I'd give ya something before finals. This one had been sitting in my drafts FOREVER

Dudes my titles and endings suck.

🎉 Also HAPPY 5K TO ME!!!! 🎉

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