Satisfied - Part 2

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Even though I'm sorry, your reactions were awesome

Also, based on Season 4, Episode 22 of New Girl because it fits this perfectly and is so so so sweet and tear jerking.

TW: Referenses to seggs- still no smut

Main character vibes tbh

Words: 2080

Okay, so, Caps_Mighty_Shield and I decided to collab on this, so I have written the first part, and she has written the end, but they do kinda mix towards the middle :)

See if you can see where the authors change lmao

This is just a taste of Poppy's writing in case you've never read her book (you really really should)

She also has these two posted on her story (part 1 is just by yours truly;)   )

You've been gone for four months now. Everyone in the Tower missed you terribly. Your bright, caring, and funny personality made everyone feel better and brighter. But now that you were gone, the mood that now hung over the Tower was like a candle had been blown out.

The Avengers still had good and happy days, but it just wasn't the same.

A month after you left, Bucky shoved Natasha's moves away. He was done. He didn't want to be treated like this, and he kicked himself everyday because of it, because he was some dumbass that fell for a slutty move. He didn't want all of the lust and sex and sleepless nights. He was tired of being used for others' wants and then just bring tossed to the side. Even after he marched out of her room that one night as she made her move, he continued having those restless and sleepless nights, his thoughts and nightmares keeping him awake. After weeks of thinking and regretting his decision of letting Natasha lure him in, Bucky came to a conclusion. Bucky didn't want what Natasha gave him, or Natasha at all.

What he wanted was you.

He continued to beat himself up over the fact that he wasted so much time on Natasha when he could've been with you, when he could've been loved and held and cared for. But now you were gone, and it would still be a while until you returned.

He was in love with you, even while he made out with Natasha. Steve knew. And Sam. After they finally cracked it out of the guy. All three men were physically distraught, knowing they would've been out of this situation if Bucky just coughed up his feelings before this massive shit show.

After a conversation between Steve and Sam, they finally agreed to tell Natasha and maybe get something's clear.

"Oh my God, Sam! Why didn't you tell me Y/N was in love with him!" Natasha shrieked as she slapped Sam's bicep. "I wouldn't have made a move!"

As you can clearly see, Sam was put in charge of breaking the news.

"Because you guys were having sex and I really didn't want to get into it!" Sam protested. "You try to tell your friend her best friend is in love with the man she's getting dirty with every night and tell me where that goes and how you feel about it!"

Natasha's face was pure white. "I- I didn't think about that," she stuttered.

"Oh really? Just like you didn't think about hooking up with Barnes and leaving Y/N and the rest of the team uncomfortable," Sam scolded. Nat looked at the ground. She didn't know what to say or think. She had made a mistake, you were gone, and there was nothing anyone could do about it.

Natasha looked up at Sam. "We gotta make this right. There's gotta be something we can do."

Sam crossed his his arms and nodded. "Well what can we do? It's not like we can call her up and tell her you made a mistake."

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