Worth It

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I'm back :]

This is so cute but not my favorite at all. Lmk what you think

(I know I do so many of these tropes but I love them and I know that some of you guys hate them but that's not my problem)

Words: 1064

Every moment before Bucky's new life had been worth it. All the suffering, all the pain, and the blood. It was all worth it to be able to have your love; call you his.

And the best thing of it all was the moment you told Bucky that you were pregnant. His joy and excitement lit up the room and his eyes. This was something he had been wishing and dreaming about for years and it was finally given to him.

The pain of the past became even more worth it.

With this beautiful privilege somehow given to him by the Lord above after everything, Bucky came up with the idea and plans so make a gift for you and your baby.

So, the day after you broke the news to him, Bucky rushed to the hardware store and went straight towards the lumber department. He bought too many pieces of wood to count and brought them into the back shed to begin working.

When Bucky was younger and had a completely different job than what he had now, he was very handy with woodworking. He worked down at the docks and had to constantly repair things for the crew. As a result, in his free time, Bucky would build things for his little sister and give them to her.

A wooden toy duck, a pretty chair, a small bookshelf.

And, of course, a wooden bassinet for her doll.

Now that the love of his life was pregnant and your baby would need a place to sleep, Bucky had a perfect idea.

So he set to work.

Bucky began with very small things, like a little tray or a small shelf, to try and remember the skill he taught himself.

The wood would constantly snap because of his metal arm and a slight problem here would cause a catastrophe over there. An uncountable number of curses echoed from the shed window almost every day. More and more wood had to be bought, stressing Bucky out.

But it would all be worth it.

As time wore on and he began drafting up his plan for your gift, it got increasingly harder to keep it a secret from you. With spending more time in the shed and returning to the house almost constantly for you to help him pluck splinters out of his right hand, you could tell something was up.

By your 30th week you were nagging Bucky to go looking for bassinets. You already had the crib for the nursery, but now you needed one for your room for those long first nights. But Bucky was so excited to show you his gift and time was running short on when you would need one, that he finally broke.

"Y/N, fine, we'll get one. Look online or whatever and pick the one you want out, and we can order it tomorrow."

You jumped up and down as much as you could and kissed him, so excited for the little things you got to buy for your baby. On the outside, Bucky acted exactly as you were to keep you from being suspicious of him. But on the inside, he was freaking out.

That night, after you finally fell asleep, Bucky snuck outside and wasted no time trying to finish up the gift. All that was left was a final sand and stain. But that could take almost a week.

Stressed out as heck, by some miracle, Bucky shut down your crib shopping without your speculation and finally, finally, got it done.

Would she like it? Would it all be worth it?

"Hey doll? Can you come here real quick? I have a surprise," Bucky said as he walked into the living room. You looked up at him from the couch and nodded, standing up and walking over to you

"Are you finally gonna show me what you've been hiding from me?"

Bucky took your hand in his normal one and pulled you closer to him. "Yeah, I am. C'mon," he grinned, and started walking towards the steps.

You walked upstairs, with his help of course, and found yourself in front of your bedroom door, where Bucky stopped and covered your eyes with his normal hand. "Ready?"

"I guess," you joked. The sound of the door swinging open sounded in your ears and Bucky led you inside. Once you were in he removed his hand and in front of you, sitting at the foot of your bed, was a beautiful, wooden baby bassinet. It was oval shaped and rose just to the perfect height to your hip and was a rich light brown with a shining finish.

You hesitantly placed your hand on the rim as if it were glass and felt tears prick your eyes

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You hesitantly placed your hand on the rim as if it were glass and felt tears prick your eyes. Bucky stepped closer behind you and placed his hand on the small of your back. He turned your face towards him with his index finger and smiled at you. "Did you make this?"

"Yes, I did. Do you like it?" Bucky's voice was so soft and hopeful that you almost broke down into his arms. After a couple shed tears you nodded and looked back down at it before you.

"Sorry; hormones," you laughed as you wiped your tears away. "I do, I really, really do. I love it so much!" Bucky's hopeful smile broke into a wide grin and he leaned forward to place a soft kiss to your lips. When he pulled away you gave him a knowing look and glanced between him and his gift.

"Did you beg me to not buy a bassinet for our room because you were building this?"

Bucky rocked on his feet slightly like a child. "Maybe," he teased.

"No wonder you came in with so many splinters constantly. I knew something was up," you remarked, looking back at the smaller crib.

"It's all worth it, Y/N," Bucky murmured. He gently placed his hands on your large belly and kissed your forehead. Your reaction melted his heart, just making his journey from here to now even better.

"Everything before this moment was worth it."

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