I'm Here - Part 1

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This was intended to be for Halloween, but I changed my mind and this is a just because. (I think it's a little too much for Halloween lmao) I would do a Halloween theme but I don't have any good ideas.

Feel like this moved way too fast but idk

Words: 1589

You're gonna love this one


Bucky sat on the plush couch with you in his arms, running his normal hand through your hair to calm the both of you down after your stressful day. As usual, work, friends, and everything in between kicked your asses. And the cold and wet weather didn't lighten your mood. Naturally, that means cuddling with the love of your life to try and get a break from everything and getting reminded that your boyfriend was always there for you.

You looked up at the man holding you in his arms. Tracing his face and posture with your eyes you let out a sigh and smile in contentment at the peace that this man managed to give you. Bucky looked down at you and made eye contact.

"What are ya lookin' at, doll?" Bucky asked, smiling back down at you.

"Just you, Jay," you replied. "I-"

A knock at the door cut off your sentence by startling the both of you. You brought your head up from Bucky's lap and he sat up straighter. "Were we expecting visitors today?" You asked as Bucky stood up from the couch.

"I didn't think so..." he trailed off and walked toward the door to look through the peephole. Bucky placed a hand on the door and squinted. "Who's that?" he asked. A millisecond later, Bucky's eyes widened and he began to shout."Y/N! Get down!" He tried to run away from the door but instead, the door was blown off the hinges and slammed him to the ground. Bucky's head slammed against the floor and he let in a groan as a man in a pressed suit walked into the room.

Alexander Pierce looked down at Bucky in disgust as he struggled to get up, muttering "pathetic" under his breath. You stood up from the couch in fear. Feet tripping over themselves, you walked backwards and towards the hall; accidentally gaining Pierce's attention. "Where do you think you're going?"

You turned around and started sprinted towards your bedroom, the farthest back room in the apartment. The Hydra bastard started chasing after you, but crashed into the floor. Bucky had come to just in time and watched as Pierce began his chase after you. He knew he wouldn't be able to go after you in that moment so the only way he could help was to stall him. Bucky grabbed Pierce's leg and pulled down, causing him to fall.

Pierce looked back at the fallen soldier with a fire in his eyes. He scrambled to his feet and pulled out the concealed pistol on his thigh, shooting Bucky in the leg with no hesitation.

Hearing a gunshot and your boyfriend yell out in pain caused you to shake even more in your hiding spot in the closet. You clutched the knife in your hands so tightly that the your knuckles were white.

Footsteps. Creaks in the floorboards. Grunts of pain. Alexander Pierce was on his way to kill you. You had no idea what the two of you did that caused him to want to personally kill you, but you knew he would stop at nothing to do so.

You took in a shaky breath and began to count backwards from ten in an attempt to calm yourself down. Ten. Nine. Eight. Seven. Six. Fi-

Another crash but this time so much closer. You stifled your screams as you heard a fist come into contact with skin. A body hit the floor.

After a few seconds a hand grabbed the closet door and slowly opened it. Light poured into the small space you were poorly hiding in and you screamed again.

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