Month by Month - Part 2

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Words: 2583

Y/B/N: Your baby's Name


"'Something for the reveal', huh?" Bucky smirked, looking at the envelope in your hands. You playfully hit his arm and leaned into his side, looking anxiously at the paper.

"C'mon, Buck. Cut me some slack here. I don't want to do a huge reveal party and I really want to know so I can go shopping with Natasha and Pepper," you replied, resting a hand on your swollen belly.

Bucky nodded with a laugh and crouched down so he was level with your stomach. He placed both hands on it and leaned forward, his lips barley pressed against your belly. "You better be a boy, so Momma will be overrun by boys until we have Baby Number Two. Unless they're a boy and then she's in even more trouble."

You let out a laugh and put the paper down, placing your hands on Bucky's shoulders. "Slow down there, Buck-o. Nice to know you're thinking about me. And you're not the one carrying a fat belly," you joked, rubbing circles on his shoulders. Bucky mumbled something else you didn't hear and stood up, wrapping his arms around you. You slid your arms down from his shoulders and to his wrists, keeping them there.

"You're not fat, doll. At least, not yet," you looked up at Bucky who was smirking, and you stepped out of his arms and let go of his wrists.

"Wow," you said, rolling your eyes and picking up the envelope. You read the print of the front and looked up at your husband, silently asking if you were both ready for the "reveal." Bucky nodded, pressing up against your back and placing his hands on your waist. He rested his chin on the top of your head and you ripped the seal. "No going back," you spoke, setting the trash down.

"I mean, we could," Bucky shrugged, and you shook your head.

"I wouldn't be able to sleep without knowing. And stop ruining the moment!"

"Sorry," Bucky said, letting out a laugh. You chuckled with him and pulled out the first paper. It was a picture of your child, and you looked at it for a moment before handing Bucky the picture. He took it held it out for the two of you to see, amazement no doubt filling his eyes. You took a shaky breath and pulled out the last piece of paper. It was folded over, the front reading 'It's a...'

You looked behind you to look at your husband who was grinning, and urged you on. You mentally counted down and flipped the paper up. "It's a girl!" you beamed, spinning around to face your husband.

Bucky let out a laugh and hugged you, careful of your stomach and giving you a little spin. "We're having a baby girl! Oh, doll, this is amazing!" Bucky exclaimed, setting you down and pressing a kiss to your lips. He pulled away with a huge grin and the spark in his eyes that you love so much. "I'm gonna spoil her so much that you're probably going to get mad at me about it," Bucky exclaimed, pulling you close again and pressing his lips on your forehead.

"I thought you wanted a boy, guess who's getting overrun now?" You smirked, looking up at Bucky. He just shrugged and grinned, placing another kiss on your lips.

"Yeah, but never mind that, this is much better because it's actually happening, моя любовь. I always wanted a little girl, and here's my wish, over 70 years later," Bucky grinned, looking at the picture. "Look at that, it's amazing! We can see our baby before she's even born."

You smiled at his adorableness and kissed him again, "Guess we gotta come up with some names now, huh?"

Bucky nodded with a smile and crouched down once more, kissing your bump again. "Hello, my princess, I can't wait to meet you and hold you in my arms. There isn't nothing I wouldn't do for you and you're not even here yet," Bucky smiled wider and stood up, grabbing your hands. "I can't wait for the day she arrives, Y/N. I can hardly keep my heart's excitement inside," Bucky spoke, his grin similar to one of a child on Christmas morning.

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