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Pictures, that's new.
I need better title names, honestly.

Words: 1402


Fear pumped through your system as you sprinted down the white halls of the hospital startling nurses and visitors alike. You skidded to a stop in front of Room 284, trying to control your breathing. Please be alright. Please be awake," you thought. Taking a deep breath you turned the handle and pushed the door open.

Inside, a slightly banged up Sam Wilson sat in one of the chairs on the far side of the hospital room. He was still in his mission suit, looking at the floor. A butterfly bandage was placed alongside his hairline and a gauze bandage covered his whole right forearm. When he heard the door close he looked up, giving you a small smile.

You tried your best to return the smile as your gaze went towards the hospital bed. The false smile fell, your heart following.

Laying on the uncomfortable and tiny hospital bed was a, hopefully, sleeping Bucky Barnes. A heart monitor, IV, blood pressure cuff and an oximeter was all placed on or in his right arm. An intubation tube was in place, and his soft lips were slightly agape. The beautiful blue eyes that always held a light every time they glanced your way were now closed; for who knows how long it'll be until they open again.

The beep of the heart monitor startled you back into the now. With fear of the unknown, you walked towards Bucky's bed to sit at his right. You dragged up one of the two chairs and sat down. Reaching out you softly grabbed his right hand, careful of all the wires in his arm. Your mind started to wonder, thinking back to how he even ended up in this mess. Guilt ran its course, distracting your sense of reality.

If only you argued against your needed extra week of rest and you could've been there to save Bucky. Taken the bullets, taken the over 100 foot crash, taken his place. Tears started to fall from your eyes. As the thoughts kept swirling at how this could've been avoided and how guilty you felt, you broke down sobbing. Your head fell onto the bed, gripping Bucky's hand as sobs wracked your body.

You heard footsteps and felt Sam place a hand on your back. You turned to look up and wiped the tears away.

"I should've gone," You whispered. "I should've gone and taken his place! I- I could've done something! I can't bare to see him like this, Sam."

Sam removed his hand and crouched next to you. "Bucky would hate to see you like this. He would be beating himself up saying he should've taken your place."

"I know, I know. I just want him awake so I know he'll be okay."

"He'll be alright, Y/N/N. The doc said he should wake up sometime in the next 24 hours." Sam stood up and grabbed his goggles hanging off of the side of the chair he previously sat in. "I hate to leave you like this, but I'm needed elsewhere. If you need anything, just call me. And tell me when he wakes up."

You nodded your head in response. "Wait, Sam," you called. He turned around as he was opening the door.


"I never checked on you." You turned in your chair to face the new Captain America. "What did they say about you?"

"Nothing I can't handle, Y/N. Don't worry about me, Bucky needs you," Sam smiled as you nodded in response. "I'll see you later."

"See ya," you said. Sam left the room to sound of the door closing giving a slightly ominous feeling in the room. Now it was just you and an unconscious Bucky. You gripped his hand tighter as the tears resurfaced.

"Oh Jay. I should've been there." You reached your free hand up and combed through his now-short cut hair, trying to sooth the both of you. "If only I didn't get caught by that damn bullet. I'm so sorry. I-" You took a deep breath to try and calm yourself. The fear and distress and grief started to overwhelm you. Your hand slid from Bucky's hair to his cheek. "Oh Buck," you sobbed, head and hand falling back onto the bed.

All you did for the rest of that evening was cry. Cry and grasp Bucky's hand, begging for him to wake up. You knew he would be okay, he's been through worse. But seeing him like this broke you. This is the worst you've ever seen him and it felt like you yourself the one who got shot, only, in the heart.

You fell asleep after what felt like hours of crying, exhausting yourself.


You woke up in the middle of the night, still holding Bucky's hand, still resting your head on the bed. You picked yourself up and blinked rapidly from the bright hospital lights still being left on. Your eyes adjusted and you looked hopefully at the bed's occupant. Bucky was still unconscious. You sighed sadly and stood up, reluctantly letting go of his hand.

Snatching your backpack off the floor you took your toothbrush and a hoodie out. You figured you would be staying overnight, and that seemed to be correct as it was almost one in the morning.

Walking back out of the bathroom after brushing your teeth, you heard coughing. You looked at the bed and there he was, awake. Bucky blinked his eyes and lay slumped and exhausted against the pillows. You gasped and ran forward, tossing your toothbrush aside. You ran up to the side of the bed, gingerly cupping his face in your hands.

"Y/N?" he rasped, looking at you with his sad blue eyes. You smiled as tears lined your eyes.

"Hey Jay. It's me.," you whispered as you leaned forward to place a kiss on his forehead. "How are you feeling?"

"What happened?" Bucky groaned, trying to sit up on his elbows. Your smile started to drop.

"Do you not remember? Sam told me you guys crashed and got shot at." You watched as the realization clouded the man's face. He groaned and fell back onto the pillow. "Hey," you said in a soothing voice. "It's gonna be okay, baby. Everything's going to be alright." You rubbed your thumbs across the top of his cheeks and placed a kiss on his nose.

Bucky nodded his head, but you had the feeling he didn't believe you. He turned his head and looked out the window hiding his face from you.

"Bucky, look at me. Please," you asked. You dropped your right hand to his own and tried to turn his head to you with your left. "Let me see your kissable face," you laughed, trying to lighten the mood. Bucky turned his face back towards you, a small smile on his face and tears threatening to fall from his eyes.

Your own small smile fell and you took a seat on the bed. "Oh honey," you cooed. "What's the matter?" Bucky's tears fell, breaking your heart. You hated seeing him cry, it only made you want to cry more.

Bucky looked down at where you still held his hand and brought his metal one to cup your hand on his face. "I was so scared, Y/N. When we crashed, when I got shot, and as I slipped in and out of consciousness on the ride here. I was so scared that I wouldn't make it and never get to see you again. I- I can't bear the thought of never seeing you again, doll."

"Well you don't need to think those thoughts, love," you said with an even more shattered heart. "Because we're here, right now. We are back together, we're just a-o-k. And it's all going to be okay. You're going to heal, you're going to rest, and I'll remind you that I'm never leaving you." You pecked his lips. "Now, get some rest."

You brought back your hands and stood up.

"Y/N?" Bucky said as you went to turn off the lights.

"Yeah?" You flipped on the lamp on the wall.

"Can I tell you something?" The Super-Soldier asked, settling back into the blankets and pillows.

You sat back on the bed and brushed his hair back, "Anything."

Bucky closed his eyes. "I love you so much doll," he said with a smile.

You smiled softly and placed a kiss on his forehead. "I love you more."

"Not possible."


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