Lost and Found - Part 2

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It's 2:15am rn and I started both parts 4 hours ago i so tired

Words: 1579


"I think I'm in Romania."

As soon as Bucky said those words, he begged even more that it was all just a dream. That he would wake up in his wife's arms, that he didn't miss a whole year of his 3, now 4 year old's life, and that he wasn't on the other side of the world away from you because of his asshole of a mind that wanted to ruin everything for him.

"Oh honey..." you sighed. Bucky could already see the devastated look on your face, and he didn't even want to begin to think about the amount of pain his stupid mistake put his family through. "It's okay. We'll get you home. Do you know what city you're in?"

Bucky was in absolute awe at how strong you seemed to be through this whole thing, and couldn't wait to get back home to you and hold his family in his arms. "I- I don't know. I'll ask." Bucky shoved away his social anxiety and waved down a man walking down the street.

"Scuză-mă, unde sunt??" he asked, begging that the man would give him an answer. Bucky heard his American accent strong through the Romanian, and hoped it would all be okay. The knowledge of being away from his family for so long has really shaken up the man. (Excuse me, where am I?)

The man grinned and nodded. "Doar cel mai bun oraș din lume, prietene! Bucureşti!" The man stretched his arms out wide and gestured around him. Bucky nodded and thanked the man, running back up into his apartment. (Only the best city in the world, my friend! Bucharest!)

"Y/N! Y/N, doll, I'm in Bucharest!" Bucky smiled. He heard you laugh in relief and his smile turned into a grin.

"Okay, Bucky. We'll get you home."


One plane ride later- thanks to Sam's ties with the Air Force -Bucky was back on US soil. The problem was, you couldn't be there when he landed. One, they landed on an Air Force base and they wouldn't let anyone on base that wasn't a military member. Not even Sam could get around this rule. And second, Bucky would be landing at like two in the morning. Sam was on an overnight mission so he couldn't stay with your son, and no babysitter was available. No matter how many times you apologized about how you couldn't be there when Bucky got back home, he said it was alright. Because it was. He didn't care if he saw you at the base or at an airport or at home. The only thing that mattered to him was that he was going to see you and Y/S/N again, and that you both were safe.

You were struggling to stay awake on the couch, refusing to go to sleep . But the late hour was putting up a fight. Almost four in the morning. Your son was asleep in his bed, after putting up a fight about wanting to see Bucky when he returned. But you promised Y/S/N that he would get to see his dad as soon as he got home. And that was the only thing that got him to go to bed.

As your body threatened to shut down for the millionth time that night, the sound of knocking on your front door startled you awake. You definitely weren't going to sleep now. You stood up from the couch and walked towards the door.

Reaching out you unlocked the door and opened it. Right in front of you was Bucky. His hair had grown back out to its shoulder length, his beard was back, and he seemed even more tired and beat up than normal.

But shoving all of that aside, you saw the same, if not more, amount of love in his blue eyes, the same, if not brighter smile start to creep up on his face as he took you in, and the same inviting and warm open arms ready for you to run into. You saw the same man that you fell in love with.

Tears started pouring down your face as you ran into his arms and clung onto him tightly. You wrapped your arms around his neck and your legs around his waist. You burred your head in the crook of his neck, sobs overtaking your body. Bucky wrapped one arm below you to support your body and wrapped another around your back, holding your form close to his. He placed his chin on your shoulder as his own tears started forming and falling.

Bucky walked into the house and kicked the door closed behind him and awkwardly locked it while still holding you. He stood in the entryway mumbling "I love you" and "I'm so sorry" over and over into your ear, rubbing his hand up and down your back.

You both stayed like that for twenty minutes before you pulled back. You wiped your face clean of tears and smiled, looking at your husband. Bucky grinned back and smashed his lips on yours. You wasted no time to return the kiss and poured so much love and passion and relief and joy and so many emotions into that kiss, Bucky doing the exact same thing.

When oxygen became a must, you broke the kiss and rested your head on his shoulder. After a few moments of just standing there, you decided to hop down and look at him properly. You held both of his hands and smiled up at him.

"I missed you," you murmured, squeezing his hands. Bucky smiled and a few tears poured down his cheeks.

"I missed you so much, doll," Bucky whispered. His smile fell and he looked at you, ashamed. "I'm so so so sorry, Y/N. I can't even think about how much pain I put you guys in. If only I could've kept my shitty mind together, we wouldn't have been in this situation.

You reached up and cupped his face with your hand. Bucky melted into it and took his free hand to place it atop of yours. "It's okay, Bucky. I'm not going to lie to you. Yes, it was hard, yes it was painful and devastating and we were heartbroken. But you're here now, and that is all I care about. And now we can make your mind stronger so this doesn't happen again, okay?"

Bucky nodded and kissed the inside of your palm, closing his eyes. You looked at his hair and let out a laugh. Bucky opened his eyes and looked at you with a puzzled expression. "What is it?"

"Your hair needs a trim," you laughed. Bucky smiled and nodded.

"I know, I don't like it this long. I want it back to what it used to be," he said, kissing your hand a few more times and closing his eyes.

You drew your hand on his face back and smiled, walking to the stairs. "Someone else missed you terribly."

Bucky's eyes opened and his whole face lit up. He switched the roles and led you up the stairs to your son's room. He reached the door and froze, looking over at you for guidance.

You smiled and motioned for the door. "He still admires you, with all of his heart. Nothing's changed." Bucky felt a swell of warmth in his chest and the millionth tear of the night almost fell. He reached out for the doorknob and grabbed it, still holding your hand. Bucky twisted the knob and opened the door. He looked into the room and saw his four-year-old son fast asleep in his bed. Bucky's heart squeezed inside his chest as he cautiously stepped forward. He reached the bed and kneeled down, admiring his son that he hasn't seen in a whole year. Your voice startled Bucky out of his trance, peeling his look from Y/S/N to you.

"He made me promise to wake him up once you got home. If I don't live up to that promise, he's going to be pissed in the morning. So," you motioned to the sleeping toddler, "you can wake him whenever. You're probably going to get tackled once he knows what's going on," you whispered.

Bucky nodded and reached his free hand out, his metal hand was still holding yours, and gently shook Y/S/N's shoulder. "Y/S/N, wake up," Bucky cooed. "I'm home, buddy." Your son took a sharp inhale and opened his bright blue eyes. He looked at you and then over at Bucky. After a moment of registering who he was, Y/S/N shot up out of bed and jumped on top of Bucky.

"Daddy!" he cried, wrapping his little arms around Bucky's neck tightly. Bucky let go of your hand and sat back on his knees and feet for a moment, before hesitantly wrapping his arms around Y/S/N. Bucky's entire face shifted from one of shock and caution to pure disbelief and happiness and love. He wrapped his arms tightly but gently around his son's body, tears pouring down his face. Bucky kissed the side of his head and looked up at the ceiling.

"I missed you so much, buddy," he whispered. You smiled and scooted over next to Bucky's left, leaning your head against his shoulder. Bucky turned his head and leaned over to kiss the top of your head. He took his left arm away from his son and wrapped it around you, pulling the two of you close.

"I missed you both so much."

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