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Im back, full of one-shots of my, well, our ig, bby

and I'm getting fancy with pictures, damn.

Words: 489


The contrast of a rough, yet soothing hand cupping your face while a cool, metal hand slid around your waist was the touch that meant a million things to either person.

To you, it meant a person to catch your tears and hold you while you collapse. It meant no longer hiding away as whatever was eating at you took over. It meant cuddles, a warm hug, kisses, reassurance, healing, patience, love. The man who held you was the one who led you out from the darkness, led you to a soft bed to ease your tension, and chase away anything terrible that brought you sorrow.

Being able to feel the strong arms he wrapped you in, rocking both of your bodies ever so slightly sent buckets of tranquility over your trembling heart. The sound of his heartbeat and gentle breathing carried your own to that same tempo, your souls becoming one as his clutch on you gave you the love you thought you never deserved.

To Bucky, it meant wrapping you up in his protective and tender embrace. It meant chasing after whoever or whatever hurt the woman he held; the woman he knew he didn't deserve but would never stop loving. It meant comforting the only thing he held dearly to his heart, bringing her joy, and providing a hand to cling to.

He hoped that whatever comfort she gained for his grasp would bring back his sunshine, but he would sit there for every cloudy day, no matter how long the wind howled. The soft kisses he placed atop her head always brought her sobs to silence, her soft hair tickling his face when he rested it where he landed his last kiss.

Once the sobs had subsided and you could look back up at your knight in shining armor without blurry vision, his thumb would rub against your cheek and his lips would gently brush yours before closing any gaps in a single love-filled motion.

When he broke apart, earning a small and almost silent whine from you, he ran his normal hand through your hair and cupped the base of your neck. His crystal-blue eyes darted between your shimmering, y/e/c ones before closing again and resting his forehead against yours.

"I know you're hurting right now, but it's okay. I've got you."

His words rang in your mind and silenced every anxious thought that swarmed you. Your arms wrapped impossibly tighter around his body, burying your face in his neck. The scruff of his 3-day beard rubbed against your neck while he let you continue to cling to him.

You heard him whisper softly into your ear, the truthfulness of each syllable pulling on your heartstrings.

"I love you, you're going to be okay."


Psalms 94:19

James Barnes OneShotsWhere stories live. Discover now