Mrs. Forgettable (COLLAB)

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Hey, it's another collab. So this one is by someone you might know from comments and I really like their writing! They wanted some more attention to their writing and they wanted me to post their one-shot on mine.

So, without further delay...


My regular updates will be back very soon

Mrs. Forgettable (Bucky Barnes)


I know that you're waiting for me like a dog

Y/N waited all night in that damn hospital room. Her boyfriend Bucky had been retrieved from a car crash site. She sat beside his bedside days and nights on end, not really sleeping herself. She would stay strong until visiting hours were over, and then when the fellow avengers were gone, she would cry. It had been two weeks. Two weeks since she had seen those beautiful blue eyes. Two weeks since she had heard the pet name he always used for her. 'doll'. Her brother Steve had finally gotten her out of the hospital and took her home to shower, eat something, and sleep. While she was gone, Bucky woke up.

But have some patience for the part of me that's lost

Y/N heard the news, and drove straight to the hospital. Her keys jangled down the walkway as she walked to the door of the hospital, her chest heaving up and down as tears that she didn't even know existed dropped down her chin, onto the grey hoodie that belonged to Bucky. The day he went into his coma, she lost a part of herself. She lost her better half. Her best friend. Her soulmate. He was awake now, but she still felt terrified of seeing him, not knowing if he was okay. She felt frozen, all over again.

Bucky's POV

There's been a hundred times
When I don't recognize
Any of you that love me

All he saw was a bright light, and a show flickering on the television. A man sat in a chair beside him, eyes focused on the screen. Bucky cleared his throat, the dark skinned man moving his gaze to the messy haired man in the bed.

"Hey Buck, your awake, I gotta tell Y/N and Steve!" Sam said rather loud, already getting his phone out to text the rogers siblings. Bucky only gave a confused look before mumbling a small "who?" Sam gave him a concerned look before asking "Do you know who I am?" Bucky shook his head slowly "No? Should I?" Sam sighed and shook his head back at him "Don't worry about it."

3rd Person POV

He lifted his phone to his ear, thinking a call would be better, and let it ring. Steve picked up on the 2nd ring.

"Hello? Sam, what's up?"

"Steve, it's Buck. He woke up, but he can't remember a thing."

"Oh shit-" Steve mumbled. Sam wanted to say 'language' but figured it wasn't the time. Y/N had heard in the background, grabbing her shoes, phone, and putting on her headphones, before running out of the Brooklyn apartment Bucky and her had shared. Steve realized a second too late and said a rushed goodbye to Sam before racing after her. Y/N stopped in front of the hospital, Steve catching up to her as she just wiped the tears away, walking inside.

"We're checking in to see James Buchanan Barnes." She stated, the nurse looking it up on her computer before issuing passes and pointing them in the right direction.

Sam was waiting outside the room, an un-readable expression covering his face. Y/N looked at him confused. "Sam, what's going on?" He shrugged.

"I wish someone would tell me so I could tell you Y/N." The girl nodded, glancing inside. All she saw was a very confused, anxious Bucky.

Y/N took a step inside the room, walking to his bedside and taking a seat, cross cross applesauce in the chair (I'm sorry, I had no way of explaining it) "Hey, how are you doing today?" She felt her eyes well with tears, but she quickly wiped them away without him noticing.

Bucky shrugged "I'm honestly really confused on what's going on, where am I?"

"Maimonides Medical Center" Y/N replied, looking out the window "Brooklyn, New York"

"And you are?" Bucky raised his eyebrows in confusion "Oh- My name is Y/N Rogers" she subconsciously rested a hand on her belly, her small bump seeming to be a grounding spot for her brain. She then looked over to Bucky, his eyes filled with confusion. "I'm your girlfriend, but we'll worry about all of that late-" Her phrase was cut short as she gasped quietly, feeling a kick for the first time.

Bucky's eyes went back to her when he heard the gasp. It was instinct, even though he barely remembered anything, including her. "Miss- are you alright?" Y/N nodded quickly "Ye-Yes, I'll be right back, okay?" With that, she stood quickly and walked out to find Steve.

"Steve!" Y/N whisper-shouted, her hand not leaving her belly. She jerked his hand gently and rested it on her belly, the baby kicking back at it. He looked up at her, his eyes wide "Sis, that's huge! Oh my god, their kicking!"

Y/N smiled wide, and then remembered the situation,  her smile fading quickly "And he won't even get to experience this-" Steve sighed and wrapped his arm around her, pulling her back to the room "But you should give him the chance" Y/N nodded and walked in.

I try to memorize and identify
But it's all getting foggy

"Hey Buck, you feeling any better?" She smiled, walking back over to the bed. He nodded and gave a small smile "Yea, a little bit" Y/N pointed to the edge of his bed "Can I sit here? I have something to show you" He nodded as you sat down near him. She grabbed his hand, raised the hoodie, and placed his hand on the bump, feeling it as the baby kicked their fathers hand. He had been confused at first, but realized what happened. His brain flashed a distant memory, one of three teens, obviously from a while back, before the war happened. However, the faces were all blurred out. The memory was too foggy to make out specific details.

He woke up to Y/N waving in front of his face "Buckyyyy?? James? Hey Barnes, back to earth you go" She chuckled quietly. "Sorry-" he sighed quietly, making her stop the laughter. "It's okay Bucky, really"

My head is in the clouds right now
Just pray I come around

She felt as if her body were in two different places. As if her heart were in the depths of disparity, but her head were in the clouds, not thinking anything bad, only pure happiness over washing her being.

It was confusing to say the least.

Hello, hello, are you lonely?
I'm sorry, it's just the chemicals

Bucky had found himself later that day in a room full of people. His mind was off in space however, as he imagined himself in an empty room, a light in the top of the right corner. Hydra test tubes lined the walls in the next room, yet no one was there either. And when he woke up from his little space episode, everyone was gone. Well- everyone but one. There was a woman, laying down on the uncomfortable couch in the hospital room across the room, her left arm used as a pillow while the right protected her bump.

Bucky suddenly got a much more vivid memory. She was in a black cat-suit type outfit (just imagine it a lot like black widow), and she didn't have the bump. Her H/C hair tied into a ponytail that waved as she walked. He had his mask and glasses on still, as they fought. She kicked off the glasses, but he shoved her down and set a foot on her chest to keep her down. Except now, the dream wasn't foggy. That was her. That was the girl he had been holding in the first dream, that was his girlfriend. The love of his life. They mother of his child. And he had forgotten her.

Hello, hello, do you know me?
I'm called Mrs. Forgettable

Bucky shot up, gasping for air. Y/N shot up, hearing the commotion before running over as fast as she could to his bedside. "Bucky, Bucky! It's okay, your safe!" He grabbed her and pulled her into a hug "Oh Doll, I missed you so much, I'm so sorry I forgot-" Y/N hushed him with a kiss and pulled him back into a hug, stroking his hair gently "I missed you too sweetheart, so so much"

You used to be my heart
And now you still are

(Yes, I changed the last line of this, fight me.)


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