Ma Belle, Evangeline

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GUYS THIS IS PART 69--------

I'm so sorry but I gotta get one more sad one in before the holidays.

Also, if you have any holiday requests, send them in here!

Please don't hate me


Based on the song Ma Belle, Evangeline, from The Princess and the Frog - my favorite Disney movie and song :]


Words: 1028


Look how she lights up the sky, ma belle, Evangeline.

On that day that you became one with the sky, Bucky could never forgive himself for not trying harder to save you. The car wreck wasn't his fault, but he knew he should've driven you to the music store instead of letting you go alone. And now, Bucky would never see his beautiful Y/N ever again.

So far above me yet I know her heart belongs to only me. Je t'adore, je t'aime Evangeline. (I adore you, I love you)

Every night, when Bucky would look up into the sky from sitting on the rooftop, catching glimpse of the brightest star up there, he made his mind and heart believe that it was you. That it was you shining down on him and watching over him. It was a painful comfort to him, seeing your bright spirit almost every night, but so far away.

Some nights, as he sat on that ledge, Bucky contemplated joining you. "It'd be a quick fall, nothing I haven't gone through before," he would think to himself. But, looking back up at the star millions of miles away, Bucky's heart reminded him that you would want him to keep fighting, to keep living and finding the small specks of happiness that peppered his world.

After flip-flopping between his options, Bucky would rest his hands on the ledge, push off, swing his legs around back onto the roof, and walk away.

You're my queen of the night, so still, so bright. That someone as beautiful as she, could love someone like me.

When you met, everything fell into place. Your quickly-formed friendship blossomed into a beautiful romance, and later an engagement. Every day that Bucky would wake with you in his arms, or just watch you being you, he wore that dreamy look on his face and wondered how he got so lucky that someone like you chose to love someone like him. The sweetest, kindest, most beautiful woman in the world somehow committed her life to a man who's been beaten, broken, and forced to harm still boggled his mind to this day.

Love always finds a way, it's true. And I love you, Evangeline. (trumpet solo omggggg)

As Bucky sat on the bed that he once shared with you, he glanced over and caught the brass glint of the trumpet you grew up playing and played almost every day. For others, for yourself, and for him.

Tears swelled in his eyes at the memories that the little instrument brought back. You'd play songs for Bucky, songs from his past that brightened his future. Once in a while, you'd play jazzy bits from pieces of music just because you wanted to. This included a solo from one of your favorite songs that Disney has produced; Ma Belle, Evangeline. When those notes left the bell of the trumpet, Bucky's ears would perk up and he would race to where you were practicing, the full song ready to be played once you finished your tiny solo. Bucky would wrap you into his arms and begin to dance with you, starting slow, speeding up and spinning you around more, and finishing with a dip.

Music always had a special place in both of your hearts and dancing to it together, no matter the piece, brought so much joy into your hearts. 

And now that was gone and music only reminded him of what was once there.

Love is beautiful, love is wonderful. Love is everything, do you agree--

Bucky loved you with all of his heart and he was never going to stop- he couldn't. You were his everything. You were the only reason Bucky didn't give up and stop fighting. Now his everything was gone. Now his reason to fight was destroyed.

That feeling of bliss--safety, comfort, happiness, love--was gone forever. 

As Bucky looked around the room that he sat in, he thought back on the memories that were within five feet of him.

The trumpet, that once brought a warm and loving sound into the apartment.

The pictures, still in their spots along the wall and shelves reminded him of the brighter days.

The warm blanket he sat on that he once used to cuddle you with and make you feel warm and safe.

The half-empty perfume bottle that you bought for yourself when money wasn't as tight, sitting in its right and proper place.

The dried rose from your first date, framed and sitting on your nightstand, stabbing Bucky right through the heart every time he looked at it.

And the ring, that rested on his dog-tag chain, held close to the hole in his heart.

--mais oui (of course/but yes)

Bucky began to feel the tears fall as he felt the cool metal contrast against his warm hand. "Oh my God, Y/N," he choked out, trying not to sob. "Why'd you have to leave so soon?" He put his face in his hands and tried to steady his breathing as he talked to no one but the stars outside his window.

"What about the plans we made, doll?" Bucky continued in a whisper, "I always told you that it would be me before you, and I lied. I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry it's all my fault. I should've gone with you. I should've told you I loved you one more time. I should've hugged you tighter and told you that the music can wait, that I need you."

A pause interrupted his rant into nothingness, sobs racking his body as the mind that was always against him imagined what had happened, what must've gone through your mind, your screams of terror.

Bucky rubbed his face with his metal hand and looked out the window at the stars, a certain bright one catching his eye. "I should've- I could've saved you, doll..."

Look how she lights up the sky...I love you, Evangeline.

As he looked out at the brightest star, a warm was filled his heart for the first time in what felt like years. Bucky's frown formed into a tiny smile as he remembered the memories and reminded himself that you'll never truly be gone, as long as he has you in his heart.

"I love you, Y/N."

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