Unexpected- Part 1

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Requested by MissSmims1229

Hope it came out like you planned. WHY CANT I WRITE FLOWING ENDINGS.


Words: 1990


So many emotions ran through your body, mind, and heart all at once. Fear, excitement, worry, confusion, and pure joy. This was going to change you and your husband's life from here on out. You couldn't wait. But at the same time, you could.

Staring at the stick with the blue plus sign in the middle, a million thoughts ran through your head. "How am I going to tell Bucky? Will he be happy? How did this happen-" Your thoughts were cut off by yourself at that last question. Your head shot up to look at yourself in the bathroom mirror, giving yourself a confused expression.

You knew exactly how this happened.

But it wasn't planned, and that was the problem.

A knock on the door startled you from your thinking- again. You quickly placed the positive pregnancy test on top of the counter out of sight before opening the door. Bucky looked up from the ground and smiled at you. "Hey, doll. Are you okay? You've been in there for a while." You smiled back at him as you stepped out and closed the door behind you.

"Y- yeah, I'm good. I'm just, not feeling too good, ya know?" You scratched the back of your head as you thought about what you should do. Bucky answered that question with his own.

"Oh yeah? What's wrong?" He took one of your hands in his and brought it up to his face, placing a kiss on each of your fingers. You felt butterflies in your stomach at the gesture- even after years of being together he could still manage to make that happen. You let out an awkward laugh as you brought your hand back to fiddle with your fingers.

"Well, I- um, I have some news," you stammered. Bucky raised an eyebrow and urged you to continue. You took a breath so you wouldn't mess it up, but you still managed to. After a moment of stuttering to build up to the news and a laugh from Bucky, you finally got a clear sentence out. "I'm just gonna cut the crap and tell ya, love. I'm pregnant," you smiled.

You watched Bucky's entire face change as soon as the last word was out. Shock, happiness, fear, and then anger shifted across his features. "You're what?" He gave a breathy chuckle and closed his eyes. "We're having a a baby?"

"Y- yes. I know, we weren't planning on starting a family this early but-"

"Starting a family?" Bucky cut you off and shook his head. "Doll, we never planned on starting a family. We never wanted one!"

"Never starting one- Bucky are you out of your mind?" You exclaimed. "Where were you when we were dating? Jay, we always planned on starting a family! It was all we wanted!" You looked at your husband in disbelief. You remembered how you'd have conversations with Bucky when you were dating. Conversations about your future together. And a family was always the center topic.

Bucky did that weird over-exaggerative frown as he looked to the side and shook his head with his hands on his hips. "Nope, don't remember." You scoffed and let out a laugh.

"You're a horrible liar," you said.

Bucky rolled his eyes and looked at you with an almost angered expression. "Y/N, I don't want a family. Never have, never will." You looked at him confused and shocked as you replayed past memories.

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