We'll figure it out

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Requested by Romancer321 (I had to tweak it a bit)

"Don't even start, Barnes!" you hollered at the super soldier opposite from you. Bucky ran his flesh hand through is hair and let out a sigh. He looked at you and then down at the floor, hands on his hips.

You looked down too and sighed. This has been the third argument like this in the pass five days, and the amount of arguments over the past months has gone up dramatically. You heard Bucky whisper something, and you looked up. "What was that?" you questioned softly.

"I don't think this is working out," Bucky repeated. Your breath hitched, but you agreed, partially.

"Maybe you're right," you breathed, loud enough for him to hear you. Bucky looked up at you and you could feel tears forming in your eyes but you quickly wiped them away.

"Goodbye, Bucky.." And with those two words, you were out of the room.

It's been two weeks, and you've never been any lower than where you were right then. You didn't eat as much, didn't take care of your room, and barley scratched by on payments and paperwork for Tony and S.H.I.E.L.D. The whole tower could tell there was a dramatic difference in the both of you. You lost your bubbly personality and Bucky had more and more nightmares and flashbacks.

After the third week, everyone but Bucky were all sitting in the main lounge, just doing their own thing. Tony looked at you and opened his mouth to speak when an explosion shook the building. Everyone looked outside to see inky black smoke rising up, but surprisingly close to the tower.

"Sir, the building's been hit. Foundations are very unstable," spoke F.R.I.D.A.Y. over the speakers. Everyone jumped up and started running to the exits when you remembered Bucky was in his room. You turned around and ran towards his room, forgetting the past arguments for the moment.

You barged into his room, not even bothering to knock. You entered and saw Bucky sitting on his bed, headphones in and looking through what looked like papers. You ran up to him and took off his headphones, explained what's happening, and ran towards the exits behind him. About halfway to the first level floor, the building started to shake. The two of you ran faster and finally reached the blown up lobby when the building started falling. You could see the Avengers backing away, looking at you two through the blow-out windows and back up at the tower coming down. Bucky ran faster, you following his lead. 8 more feet. 7. 6. 5, you weren't going to make it. 3. 2, you pushed Bucky out of the building and you fell. Thousands of pounds of rubble all crashing down when everything went dark.


"She seems to be improving. Should wake up within the week, but we don't know for sure."

"Thank you, doctor."


Your eyes fluttered open, and you looked around. The room was dark, the lights off and the New York night sky filled the room with little light. A sleeping figure was at your right, head resting on their arms which were crossed on the bed. Your right hand was close to their right, showing they held your hand as they fell asleep. The glint of light caught your vision, and you looked at the person. Their left hand shined dully, showing it was a prosthetic. That could only mean one person, Bucky Barnes.

"Buck," you rasped, having not used you voice in who knows how long. You said his name again, but louder, to which he stirred to. Saying it a third time, Bucky lifted his head up and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. He looked at you and immediately he switched on a small light and grabbed your right hand, smiling and eyes filling with tears.

"You're awake! You're alive! The doctors said-" he stopped, and just squeezed your hand. You looked around and your eyes landed on Bucky again, who just gazed at you. You felt a sharp pain at your stomach and you looked down, finding yourself wrapped in bandages. Your left arm, your torso, your right calf, a few of your fingers.

"What happened," you groaned, trying to sit up, which was a mistake. Bucky's smile fell and he jumped up, motioning for you to sit back down.

"No, no lay back down, please," Bucky sat back down and grabbed you hand again, and the tears started to form again. "I'm so sorry, I should've saved you. There was a bombing in the tower, you went back to get me and shoved me through the blown out windows in the lobby, and you were caught under all of the rubble. I- I tried to go back to save you but Steve held me back, not wanting to risk my life as well. I'm so sorry doll, it should've been me. And I'm so sorry about the arguments and fighting. If you would've- would've died, then that would be the last conversation with each other, and I'm so sorry." Bucky's metal hand cupped your face and his tears started to fall.

"Please, I wanna make this work. I want to be with you, I need to be with you. These past weeks have been horrible, even when you were awake. Please, can was start over? We'll figure it out, and start anew," he pleaded. You just looked at him, processing his words. Yes, after the breakup, your life had been a living hell and you missed him, a lot. And you wanted to get back together with the man sitting at your right.

"I do too, Buck, but what if we have a repeat of last time?"

Bucky just shook his head and grabbed both of you hands in his. "Don't worry about it, please. We'll figure it out, work it out, please. I need you," he pleaded, more tears forming in his eyes. "I couldn't live with myself if you didn't make it, and I regret that day where we broke up. Please, come back to me doll."

You nodded and Bucky smiled, and reached up, kissing your lips. "I love you," you whispered, to which he kissed you again.

"I love you too."

You were released from the hospital about a week later, and Bucky never let you out of his sights, mostly because you needed as much help as possible and bed rest for a few days. Most of your bandages were removed, but the one at your torso remained. You were informed that you were unconscious for over a month, and everyone was so happy to hear you would be okay, for the most part. But they were even happier to hear you were back together, Steve being happiest for his friend.

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